BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th April

IELTS Speaking Test

May I know your full name? Please.

My full name is Akashita Rai.

How may I call you?

You may call me by my first name as Akashita.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th April

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you recycle? Why?

Yes, I recycle many things because I think it is not only the best way to reduce waste material but good for the environment, especially natural resources, metals and water. So we can say the more we recycle, the more we protect our resources.

Did you recycle when you were a kid?

Yes, I am recycling things from my childhood. I live in a joint family. My parents were taught us (me, my brother and two cousins) new things and even till now. they teach us new things. They also taught us how to reuse old items. They were organizing a competition every Sunday that was based on recycling old things. We always made new plans to convert the old thing into a new thing. So in that way. I recycled waste material in my childhood.

IELTS Speaking Test

Will you recycle in the future?

Yes, definitely I started this process in the past, doing in the present also. and I make sure that I will continue it in future also.

What kind of things do you recycle?

I recycle old clothes and newspaper. I make some decorative things and mats from them.

What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

I think good hobbies are reading books, spending time with nature, sports and family, which make people more physical and mentally healthy. On the other hand, bad hobbies include over usage of the Internet, playing video games which not only affect physical health but effect relationship also.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you have a hobby, and what equipment do you need for it?

Yes, I love to do art and craft because it makes me happy, and while doing it, I forget my all tensions and stress. I make new things from waste paper and plastic.

Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?

Well, yes, I believe spending excessive time on a hobby may harm people because it affects the work/ study.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

Okay, so a song that I have listened to over the past four years or so is called Friendship to Last by Two Steps from Hell and features Merethe Soltvedt. It has to be one of my favorite songs of all time and I first heard it back in 2011 when it was released on the Archangel album.

It has what I can only describe as a haunting melody and the lyrics are in Gaelic which makes it even more interesting and kind of mystical to listen to. I remember the first time I heard it, I was on a long-distance flight and after about 30 seconds of it, I was mesmerized by the sound and the feeling it gave me.

At the time I was looking out of the window of the plane and we were flying through lots of big white clouds and there were some patches of really bright blue sky as well, so the scenery was quite impressive.

IELTS Speaking Test

During the flight I listened to this particular song several times as well as the other tracks on the album, but every time this particular song came on I just got this amazing feeling, I had to stop reading or whatever I was doing and just listen to it.

I shared it with a friend recently, and they’d never heard it before, but they listened to it and it had the same effect on them too. They told me later that they had listened to it about 20 times consecutively – it’s like it was addictive, surreal like time stands still, and you’re in another world.

That’s pretty much what I felt like the first time I heard it too – like the world just stopped and I was transported someplace else, to a different time, a different world – it’s a really powerful piece of music. I still listen to it regularly because I like a lot of the other songs from Two Steps from Hell – but each time I hear this particular song, it still stops me – and I find myself thinking about flying through the sky again like the very first time I heard it.

IELTS Speaking Test

Is illegal downloading of music a problem in your country?

Dealing with illegal music downloading in my country is a real hassle. It’s not just about artists and record companies missing out on what they deserve, but it’s also holding back the growth of our local music scene. There have been more awareness campaigns and stricter copyright law enforcement. But honestly, until we all learn to appreciate music for what it truly is – art – it’ll be an uphill battle.

Do you think that the language of the song matters? Why do you think that?

Yes, maybe it shouldn’t but it does seem to matter in terms of the amount of commercial success that the artist enjoys. For example, take Shakira, who was tremendously popular in her own country and the rest of Latin America, but became even more famous and sold more songs when she began to sing in English.

IELTS Speaking Test

She appealed to more people than when she used to sing in Spanish only. The English-speaking market for songs is the biggest globally so it makes sense that if you want to sell as many songs as possible worldwide – you sing in English. But some artists don’t want to and that’s okay too. The music industry is a business and there’s a lot of marketing involved apart from just creating music because it’s your passion.


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th April

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