BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd May

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd May

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My name is Radha Rani.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Radha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd May

IELTS Speaking Test

Is summer your favourite time of year? [Why/Why not?]

I like the summer season when it is not too hot, but I cannot say that it is my favourite season because I like autumn over any other season. During mild summer, which lasts for just a month or two, the weather is just perfect for outdoor activities and visiting beach areas. But the rest of the summer is too hot and too humid for my liking. In our country, the sun often shines mercilessly and the temperature reaches around 40 degree Celsius.

What do you do in summer when the weather’s very hot? [Why?]

I am extremely lucky that I own a house that has air coolers, and I work in an office that has a central air conditioner. I even have my own car. So I can mostly avoid the fierce hot weather and stay cool indoors. Sometimes when I go out without the comfort of the car, I can feel the heat and perspire profoundly. This is extremely annoying but this is the reality for millions of people in our country. During summer, I try to drink plenty of water and go out during the evening time after sunset to avoid direct sunlight. 

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you go on holiday every summer? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I enjoy holidays during the summer season, when I get one or two weeks’ leave from my office. I either choose a sea beach or a location near a river or a lake in summer to enjoy the view and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 

Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school? [Why/Why not?]

During my school days, the summer seasons were not as hot and humid as they are today, or at least this is what I think now! So I was not too concerned about the extreme weather during summer seasons back then. And of course, I loved the summer holidays as it meant a long leave from school, visiting grandparents’ house and doing fun activities with family and friends. Those were magical days. 

IELTS Speaking Test

What do you like to drink with your dinner? [Why?]

With my dinner, I usually prefer to drink water. Water is a refreshing and hydrating beverage that complements the flavours of the food without overpowering them. It helps to cleanse the palate and aids in digestion. Additionally, water is a healthier choice as it has no added sugars or calories, and it keeps me well-hydrated throughout the meal.

Do you drink a lot of water every day? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I make it a point to drink an adequate amount of water every day. Water is essential for maintaining proper bodily functions, regulating body temperature, and promoting overall health. It helps to hydrate the body, flush out toxins, and support various bodily processes. Additionally, staying hydrated helps me feel more alert, energized, and focused throughout the day.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

This is a story from my adolescent years, I probably was in my early teens. It was summer school break, and my parents decided it would be good for me to spend the summer at my grandparents’. The place is a short bus trip away from Munich, but it would surprise you how different things are out there. If I had known I would enjoy my stay there so much, I would have gone there every single summer!

To start with, people in the country have a very different attitude. They are not as eager to befriend you at first, but once you get to know them better, it turns out they are much more frank and friendly than the urbanites. If you were to compare these two kinds of people, you would soon find out that the latter are much more superficial and less involved in your friendship. Secondly, and this should go without saying, is nature. Lush fields and rolling hills, the peace and quiet of the place really set the mood. You simply feel more comfortable and safe.

IELTS Speaking Test

As I have said, I’d gladly go back there again and again. Sadly, free time is at a premium for me at the moment, as I have to study and have a part-time job. I hope to visit my grandparents again in the foreseeable future.

Do people in your country tend to live in smaller towns or bigger cities? Why?

One would assume that people on our planet are mostly concentrated in big metropolitan areas. While this is generally true for most countries, mine is a pleasant exception. There is no disproportionate number of people living in the city, the distribution is pretty even here. I am sure this is owing to much higher living costs in bigger urban agglomerations and the undue levels of stress associated with living there. While living in the country might not be as exciting, it seems well worth it, seeing just how many people choose it as their permanent residence.

IELTS Speaking Test

How can people be encouraged to live in the country?

The easiest way, and the one that is most likely to succeed, is to make people more informed about the innumerable benefits of living outside of the city. Once people realise that life has so much more to offer than city hustle and bustle,they will think twice before moving there. Those born in urban areas might even consider moving to the country to see if it is really their thing. This should be especially easy in the current working environment.

What I mean to say is that quite a bit of people nowadays work from home. There are convincing reasons for that—there is no commuting, no having to turn up at the office. As we know, work is the main reason many live in cities, so take care of that, and folks will flock to the rural areas!

IELTS Speaking Test

Will urbanisation increase further in the future? Why/Why not?

Not necessarily. As we become less dependent on the location where we work, we might choose to relocate and enjoy a much less stressful lifestyle in the countryside. In fact, this could be welcomed by the law or regulations of some kind. As we will likely be facing overpopulation in the future, people will have to be spread across the globe more evenly, so it makes a lot of sense to incentivise relocation.


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd May

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