BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th May

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Daksh Raji.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Daksh.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th May

IELTS Speaking Test

Why do you think it is essential to learn a foreign language?

In the world most people speaking English even though sometimes we should know some other languages. In my personal experience, I am working in a Middle East country with the local students. So it must be essential to learn a new language to make communication more flexible. So I firmly believe that it is necessary to learn a foreign language to strengthen our career.

How is it helpful to you to speak a foreign language?

It is constructive to speak a foreign language to get a person’s attention. Suppose we are going for a trip in a nation with different speaking language people. We can easily communicate with the shopkeeper to buy an authentic style item at an affordable price.

IELTS Speaking Test

What is the most challenging part of learning a foreign language for you?

In my personal experience, the most challenging part of learning a foreign language is the accent that precisely generates voice. Again, whatever effort we put into that specific area, we tend to use our mother tongue sound. Practise is the only possible way to learn that. Practice as much as you can. That is the only solution.

What is the best way to memorize new words?

The best way to memorize a new word is to make a sentence using that word and practice it in our day-to-day life if it’s apt for the situation.

IELTS Speaking Test

Is it better to learn a new word from translation or by definition?

In order to remember for the long term, it’s better to learn a new word by definition. Sometimes we use the same word as noun and verb depends upon the sentence structure. If we know the exact meaning of a new word, we can wisely practice the word in daily life.

Why don’t some people know the language of the society they live in?

Most people know the language of the society they live in. The exceptional case is that if we live in a community only based on our job, the people might not know the local language. For example, I am living in UAE as a part of my job. I am not good at speaking the Arabic language.

What do you think of children learning a foreign language?

It is their privilege among the society to know a foreign language. The children must learn a foreign language for their better career. People can quickly adapt the wording in their early years.

IELTS Speaking Test

One person I am happy to know is my grandfather. He is my role model and I aspire to be like him. He worked all his life as a teacher. He was so admired and respected by his students.

He went above and beyond and helped his students in every way he could. When I was little, I stayed with him and my grandmother for two years. I learnt a lot from him in those two years. He would drop me and my cousin to school every day and would tell us stories from his childhood on the way. I could listen to him for hours.

IELTS Speaking Test

After we came back from school, he would cut us fruit and ask about our day. He always made time for us. He loved gardening and always had a smile on his face when he was watering his plants. He taught me to appreciate the little things in life. He was very fit and used to go for a morning walk daily. Of all the things I remember from those days is the way he took care of my grandmother.

He was always reminding her to take her medicines. He made her morning tea every day and would play cards with her. He loved to travel and after he retired, he took my grandmother to visit different places. He was kind to everyone, and all the neighbours came to him for advice. I am so thankful that he was part of my life growing up and I got to spend so much time with him.

He is 95 years old now and lives in Chandigarh with my aunt and uncle. I don’t get to meet him that often as I live in a different country. I feel his presence even though we are so far away. He continues to live his life with the same simplicity.

IELTS Speaking Test

How can children feel happy?

Many things make children happy like a loving and supportive family, having toys and friends to play with, giving praise and appreciation from their parents and teachers etc.

What is the difference between adult and children’s happiness?

Children find happiness through simple things like playing and having fun with their family and friends. Adults find happiness when they achieve their goals, have good relationships, and feel satisfied with their life.

Do you think everyone shares a similar definition of happiness?

No, not everyone shares a similar definition of happiness. It varies from person to person and depends on their life circumstances, values, and beliefs. What brings happiness to one person may not bring the same level of happiness to another.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 27th May

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