BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Ramika Dhani.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ramika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st June

IELTS Speaking Test

Did you learn about outer space and stars at school?

Yeah, I definitely learned about outer space and stars in school. We studied a lot of different topics in science class, and I remember learning about the solar system, the different planets, and the stars. It was always one of my favorite subjects and I found it really fascinating to learn about the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds.

Would you like to travel to outer space?

Oh man, that would be an amazing experience! I would love to travel to outer space and see what it’s like first hand. It would definitely be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and something that I would never forget.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think it’s important to study the stars?

I definitely think it’s important to study the stars. There’s just so much that we don’t know about the universe and the stars are such a big part of it. Studying the stars can help us to better understand the world around us and the forces that shape it. It can also help us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe and to feel more connected to it.

Would you like to travel to outer space?

Oh man, that would be an amazing experience! I would love to travel to outer space and see what it’s like first hand. It would definitely be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and something that I would never forget.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you like rainy weather?

No, I really can’t stand rainy weather. I think rain is very depressing and gloomy. I hate getting wet and cold. I also dislike the noise of thunder and lightning and the inconvenience it causes to transportation and outdoor activities.

Do you prefer wet or dry weather?

I’m keen on dry weather because I like the feeling of warmth and sunshine. I think dry weather is good for the mood and the energy. I’m also fond of dry weather because it means there is less risk of flooding and diseases.

IELTS Speaking Test

I think that it is only a natural desire in the hearts of many people that they want to own things that are beautiful, uncommon and luxurious because it helps them define their characters and personalities. Needless to say, I have also wanted to own some of these luxurious items myself in the future, and a luxury bathtub happens to be just one of them.

IELTS Speaking Test

Now, this luxury item is such a thing that I can’t just buy one and stick it somewhere inside my home or carry it with me wherever I go. Oh, talking about home, I don’t even own one because the place, in which I usually live, is either rented or is owned by my parents. So, the idea of owning a luxury bathtub, even in the future, just might seem to be a bit farfetched at this point. 

But, I am pretty sure that situation is going to change someday when I will have my own home and with it, I shall also have my luxury bathtub – an elegant-looking, crystal bathtub that is – made by some top-notch Italian company. And after setting this luxury item inside my bathroom (looking equally beautiful and elegant as well), I will definitely want to enjoy my bath as often as I can, until I get tired of it, while also enjoying some beautiful music and romantic light at the same time.

IELTS Speaking Test

Anyway, I want to own this luxury item, mainly because it looks so classy and elegant that it is sure to change the complexion of my entire bathroom to turn it (bathroom) into a very special part of your lovely home. After all, to me, the more appealing your bathroom gets, the more livable your home becomes. I want to own this luxury item also because this is where I want to enjoy my “very own, quality time” while taking my shower after a long and tiring day at work. After all, I don’t think that anything rejuvenates us as much as taking a nice shower in a nice bathtub!

Do you think that discounted goods have good value?

Discounted goods can offer good value depending on the circumstances. From my personal experience, I have found discounted goods to provide excellent value in certain situations. For instance, last year I needed to purchase a new winter coat. I came across a discounted sale at a reputable clothing store, where I found a high-quality coat at a significantly reduced price. The coat was of good value as it was durable, stylish, and provided excellent warmth during the winter season. However, it is important for consumers to exercise caution and consider factors such as the original price, quality, and their specific needs when assessing the value of discounted items.

IELTS Speaking Test

How often do people in your country go shopping?

The frequency of shopping varies among individuals in my country. While there is no definitive answer, it is common for people to engage in shopping activities at least once or twice a week. Personally, I usually go shopping once a week for groceries and household necessities. However, I have friends who prefer to shop more frequently, especially for fashion items or to take advantage of special promotions and sales.

What kinds of places are popular for shopping in your country?

In my country, a diverse range of shopping destinations is popular among consumers. Shopping malls are a prevalent choice as they offer a wide variety of stores and amenities. For example, one of the most popular shopping malls in my city has a multitude of clothing stores, electronic retailers, entertainment options such as cinemas, and a range of dining establishments. Department stores also remain popular, particularly for individuals seeking a mix of brands and product categories under one roof. Moreover, traditional markets and street bazaars are highly popular for those looking for unique items, local handicrafts, and a more immersive cultural experience.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st June

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