BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 5th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 5th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Wamiqa Sharma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Wamiqa.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 5th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What do people use computers for?

People use computers for many things. They can write documents, send emails, play games, and find information on the internet.

Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

Allowing students to use computers at school can be beneficial for educational purposes, as it provides access to a wealth of information and tools. However, it’s essential to have guidelines in place to ensure productive and responsible use while minimizing distractions.

IELTS Speaking Test

What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computers?

People who are addicted to playing computer games may face challenges in balancing their time and priorities. It’s important to approach this issue with empathy and understanding, as addiction can have negative consequences on one’s personal and social life. Encouraging healthy habits, seeking support, and finding a balance between gaming and other responsibilities can be helpful.

Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?

Computers can make life easier by helping us with tasks, but they can also make things tricky if we use them too much or if they have problems. It depends on how we use them.

Why do people often have problems when using new products?

People sometimes have trouble with new things because they’re not used to them yet, and the instructions can be confusing. It’s like learning something new, and it takes time to figure it out.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why do individuals from the same family have different personalities?

Today we have influence from all around the media and the internet pours information every second in one brain so two people from the same family can absolutely have different personalities and have contradictory opinions.

How does society influence a person’s personality?

A person observes the surroundings and learns patterns of behavior so If there is lots of love and kindness around a person will absorb that on the other hand if people are agitating there will be negative effects on a person.

IELTS Speaking Test

Before making any purchases, I don’t really rely on product reviews of any kind, mostly because they don’t necessarily paint a whole picture of a given brand or product. However, a few months ago, I made the decision to read several reviews before selecting to get an air cooler.

IELTS Speaking Test

Naturally, the air cooler I was looking to purchase was manufactured by one of the most renowned and trustworthy electronics businesses in my nation, so it didn’t really need an introduction or positive feedback to attract customers. Even so, I chose to read reviews because one of my friends had advised me to do so, regardless of whether the products were manufactured by well-known or obscure firms. I read the review online at a well-known website in my nation that compares products.

However, I discovered that most of the product evaluations were unfavorable, which was not what I had actually expected to see when I began to read some of the reviews of the supposedly “prestigious and reliable” company. When I first read those reviews, I assumed that the people who left them were just some “mad” customers for whatever reason.

IELTS Speaking Test

However, as I read the reviews more closely and critically, I discovered that the majority of the people were actually quite knowledgeable about the types of weather conditions that an air cooler should have performed in. To my astonishment, I discovered that they also knew a great deal about the features or technical specifics of numerous air cooler components, proving that their statements were not merely the result of “speculation.”

Since I believed that the majority of the unfavorable reviews for that specific product were legitimate and backed by evidence, I ultimately decided not to purchase the air cooler from the supposedly well-known and trustworthy firm. In addition, after reading those evaluations, I learned what important variables are actually worth taking into account before purchasing any electronics, including air coolers. I’m happy I chose to read those reviews, for that reason.

IELTS Speaking Test

What do you think it might be like to work in a customer service job?

No doubt, it is a tough question to answer since customer service isn’t exactly like any other job. Having said that, however, a customer service job can be both rewarding and challenging, depending on what kinds of customers we are dealing with. If the customers are fairly rational and don’t like to complain too much about the choices they make in life, then perhaps this job can be rewarding. On the other hand, if customers don’t like to leave an inch from their demands of receiving it “all”, then the chances are that a customer service job is a very challenging one.

Do you agree that customers are more likely to complain nowadays?

Well, from what I have seen so far from my personal life experience, I can easily agree with the fact that customers indeed are more likely to complain these days, primarily because people, in general, are expecting more out of their life in whichever manner possible. Besides, it is also possible that customers nowadays are more aware of their “rights” as customers, and as a result of this, they think that it is absolutely okay to complain about the products and services that they pay for.  

How important is it for companies to take all customer complaints seriously?

In my opinion, it is absolutely important that companies consider all customer complaints valid and serious if they really want to stay in the competition. After all, tons of other companies are also trying their best to gain their – the same customers that are – businesses at the same time, and just a simple customer service blunder can make that happen. Now, while all companies would do good to take all kinds of customer complaints rather seriously, customers should also be well-advised not to complain indiscriminately.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 5th June

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