BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 11th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 11th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Eliyet Shara.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Eliyet.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

Have you ever travelled by boat?

Yes, I’ve been on a boat so many times. If my memory serves me well, the first time I ever set foot on a boat was in my first year of high school when my family went on a cruise in Ha Long Bay. It was a truly amazing experience for me.

Do you often travel by boat?

Well, not really often, maybe once or twice a year. I live in a mountainous area, so I only got on boats and yachts in my summer vacation when I go to the beach.

Are boat trips popular in your country?

Yes, they are. My country has an extremely long coastline, so journeys at sea are really common. Tourists to any beach always have plenty of options of boats to get on, they are all affordable and offer wonderful sightseeing experiences.

IELTS Speaking Test

Would you like to have your own boat?

I’d love to. I have been dreaming of owning a yacht ever since my first trip on water. It doesn’t have to be a huge boat, but it must be tough enough to withstand the most hazardous weather so that I don’t have to worry about storms when enjoying my journey.

If you had your own boat, what would you do with it?

I would go on a cruise whenever I had time. I often picture myself standing behind the wheel of my own boat, discovering the vast ocean and enjoying scenery that could take my breath away.

IELTS Speaking Test

Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?

Well, I suppose it is the central part of the country since this region is famous for the long coastlines, which are really convenient for water travel and fishing on boats as well.

Do many people in your country own their own boats?

I don’t think so. Boats are often used commercially so most boat owners are fishermen and people who use them for rent. Other than that, I don’t think there are many individuals in my country that are wealthy enough to afford to own a boat themselves.

IELTS Speaking Test

Let me tell you about an ad I saw a few weeks ago. It was on the internet and it was advertising a service to buy and sell gold online. It’s something one of my friends told me about some time ago, but I never really thought about it seriously after he had told me about it. The image used in the ad was what caught my attention first. It was an image of a gold bar, gold bullion, and it just looked so beautiful.

IELTS Speaking Test

I clicked on the ad and it linked me to a website which sold gold. I didn’t really know much about this so I read all the information on the page and they were selling gold bullion, gold coins and other gold products. I had no idea that you could buy all these different gold products online and some of them weren’t expensive – well the price varies – but you could buy gold for less than $100 and they shipped it directly to you.

It seemed like a good idea – everybody loves gold – and I thought it would be a good investment for the future. Anyway, I didn’t do anything about it at the time, but I did decide to do some more research about the subject. Over a week I visited some other websites and read a lot more about buying, selling, and investing in gold. I learned so much and began to get really interested in the topic.

IELTS Speaking Test

Eventually I decided to buy some gold rounds and coins, simply because I liked the design, and I learned that the price of gold is relatively low at the moment so it seemed like a good time to buy. This was last week, and they delivered my order a couple of days ago. I think I must have spent about 20 minutes just looking at these gold items when I first opened them. They were so beautiful and I had never bought anything gold before in my life so it was like a special moment.

Now, I have a plan to try and buy some more gold every month, little by little. Some coins are really interesting but I also want to buy gold because I think it’s a good idea for the future.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think advertising influences people’s choice of products?

A lot of people are very easily manipulated by advertising, everyone knows that. Companies know it and take advantage of it to make money. We all buy things we don’t really need sometimes, just because of the marketing or the advertising which makes us think we need to have or buy a certain product.

There are many products for sale which quite similar, but those companies who tend to spend more on marketing and advertising sell more of their product than the others, even though the actual product may be quite similar.

Who shows advertisements in your country?

They’re everywhere, on TV, on the internet, on the streets, in magazines, I mean – any company selling a product or service is advertising – maybe they choose to advertise in different places, but they’re all showing ads all over the place. I guess if you stopped to count them all, you would be counting hundreds of ads every day that you see just walking around or on TV.

IELTS Speaking Test

Apart from food and clothing, what products are advertised? What kind of things advertise most in your country?

Besides food and clothing, Vietnam has a ton of products being advertised. But you know what’s really popular? Electronic gadgets and motor vehicles. With the country rapidly urbanizing and modernizing, people there are craving advanced tech and transportation options. So, it’s no surprise that you’ll see ads everywhere for smartphones, laptops, and motorbikes, which are a big deal in Vietnam.

These ads typically highlight the cool features, dependability, and affordability of the products. It’s all about keeping up with the latest and greatest!

What are your views on showing or mentioning children in advertising?

Well, if it’s an ad selling things for children then it makes sense. You wouldn’t want to see an adult advertising something for children – it wouldn’t seem real – and personally I don’t see anything wrong with children appearing in ads or marketing campaigns. In fact in some cases the child has gone on to become like a celebrity, which isn’t a bad thing because then they have more opportunities in life, maybe they can become an actor or something like that or maybe a TV presenter.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 11th June

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