BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Garima Sharma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Garima.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

What did you not enjoy about high school?

Well, to be honest, high school was a really terrible time for me. People made fun of me and I really struggled in class. So, everything basically!

What was your favourite subject in high school? (Why?)

When I was in high school I remember really enjoying gym. Yeah, I think I enjoyed gym class more than anything else. I’ve never been that studious and it was my only chance during the day to do something I was really good at. I was really fit and sporty at the time.

Do you think people generally enjoy their time in high school? (Why/why not?)

Where I’m from, in Nepal, I think most people have a pretty good time. There is a lot of bullying, like I talked about before. But in general, the teachers are good, the facilities are modern and clean – they’ve got a lot going for them. Things aren’t as good once you get to Uni but in high school I think most people have a decent experience.

IELTS Speaking Test

How important is the internet to you?

Extremely important. I depend on it for work, research, study, and entertainment, so without it I’d be completely lost.

How often do you use the internet?

I use it constantly throughout the day, every day. I check my emails when I get up in the morning, I use it for work all day, and then I watch videos, read books or listen to music through it at night.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you use it more for work or in your free time?

I’d say both really. About 50% of my job involves researching and writing on the internet so I would use it for about 4 hours a day. When I get home, I’m normally too tired to go to the gym or play sports, so it is really easy to download a movie or stream some music, and I normally do that until I fall asleep.

What are your favourite websites?

For work, my two favourite sites are WordPress and Google. WordPress is a blogging tool that allows you to publish blogs easily and maintain a professional-looking website. Google, of course, allows me to find the information I need quickly and accurately. In my spare time, I use Facebook like everyone else in the world, but my favourite site is The Guardian because it allows me to keep up to date with everything that’s happening.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you use apps?

I’m a bit of an app addict. My favourite app at the moment is one called Stitcher. It allows you to listen to podcasts and helps you discover new podcasts. You can download them and then listen to them whenever you have time.

Do you think you use the internet too much?

I think most people do these days. My problem is that there are so many sites and apps that you end up checking them way too often, which wastes lots of time. It can also be a bit anti-social if you check your phone when you are with other people.

IELTS Speaking Test

How will the internet develop in the future?

I think it will be more on mobile phones than computers. Smartphones are becoming more powerful and more affordable all the time, so I think we will see a shift from people using the internet on desktop computers to mobiles and apps rather than traditional websites.

IELTS Speaking Test

Rice is a staple crop that thrives abundantly in my country. Its cultural and economic significance is also deeply ingrained in our society. Therefore, I have decided to talk about this crop for this topic.

Rice paddies blanket vast landscapes, particularly in the fertile plains and deltas of regions where water is abundant. These paddies are carefully managed to maintain the right water levels essential for rice cultivation.

Rice is relatively affordable in my country due to its widespread cultivation. The abundance of rice production keeps the prices within a reasonable range, making it accessible to a majority of the population.

IELTS Speaking Test

The importance of rice in my country extends beyond being a dietary staple; it is intricately tied to our cultural, social, and economic fabric. Culturally, rice is often symbolic of prosperity and is woven into religious ceremonies and traditional rituals. Socially, rice is a unifying element, forming the core of many traditional dishes that bring families and communities together.

Economically, rice cultivation provides a livelihood for a significant portion of the population. Many farmers depend on rice cultivation as their primary source of income. Moreover, rice plays a vital role in ensuring food security. As a staple food, it is a primary source of carbohydrates for the majority of the population. Any disruptions in rice production could have far-reaching consequences on the nation’s food supply and security.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

Yes, in my country India, folks are growing plants at home and home gardening is very famous in urban areas. People grow different sorts of plants like as: all types of flowers, aloe Vera, green chili, okra and so on. Children also like gardening as a hobby.

Do old people grow plants?

Definitely, old folks love too much as well as, they have proper knowledge related to planting. My uncle likes planting at home. He always guides me related to planting and he has a small garden in the backyard as well as, he grows many sorts of flowers, vegetables and so on.

How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Actually, the school does not teach these types of things because, I know about school management as well as, sometimes schools are organized environment activities and teachers give the information to students how to take care the plants and environment.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th June

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