BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 17th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 17th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Radhika Shukla.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Radhika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you like art? [Why?/Why not?]

I like art because it can express emotions, thoughts, or ideas. Art can also tell a story. It’s interesting to see how someone interprets the world around them through their artwork.

How do you feel about art?

I love art! It’s a great way to express yourself and your creativity. I think it’s important to have in your life.

What form of art do you like the most?

I like all forms of art, but if I had to choose one it would be painting. I love how you can take a blank canvas and turn it into something beautiful. It’s like magic.

IELTS Speaking Test

What kind of art are you best at?

I am best at painting and drawing. I love using bright colors and patterns in my paintings and often draw inspiration from nature or everyday objects. I also enjoy sculpting and working with clay. I often make figurines or abstract sculptures.

In your childhood, what experience with art did you have?

I was raised in a family that valued the arts and had many opportunities to engage with various art forms throughout my childhood. My parents took me to see countless art exhibitions and performances, and I was enrolled in after-school art classes from a young age. As a result, art has always been a central part of my life and continues to be one.

IELTS Speaking Test

Did you do any artistic activities when you were a child?

Yes, I used to draw and paint a lot when I was younger. I also used to do a lot of crafts with my mom. I loved making things out of paper, yarn, and fabric.

Did you learn any artistic activities when you were a child?

Yes, I learned how to draw and paint as a child. My parents enrolled me in art classes at the local community center, and I loved going to them. I would spend hours upon hours drawing and painting, and it was always a great way to express myself. I still enjoy doing art today, and I think it’s something that has helped shape who I am as a person.

IELTS Speaking Test

Did you ever do any artwork when you were a child?

No, I never really did any artwork when I was a child. I didn’t have any interest in it. I thought art was something other people did, not something I could do. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized that art is something anyone can do. It doesn’t matter if you’re a child or an adult – art is for everyone. There are no rules or limits. You can just create whatever you want.

Do you ever buy (or have you ever bought) a painting?

I once bought a painting from an artist at a fair. It was an abstract landscape and I liked it. However, I don’t buy paintings very often.

Do you think art is an important part of life?

Yes, I think art is an important part of life. It can express emotions and feelings that words cannot describe. Art can also tell stories and provide insight into different cultures. It can be used to communicate messages and ideas, as well as to create something beautiful.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

Since my childhood, I have developed a tremendous admiration for teaching. I have always felt that the teaching profession is highly rewarding and challenging at the same time. But, I got a first-hand experience of how rewarding or challenging it really was only after I was forced to embark on a mission of formally teaching my little niece.

It was about 5 years ago, and I just started my new job as a Jr. Software Engineer at a small software firm in my country. Of course, I was lucky that my job had given me a nice, personal laptop so that I could work on it at home from time to time except, of course, the problem was my little 8 years old niece (whom I loved so much, by the way) also liked that laptop, and she also wanted to learn to work on a computer.

I tried to dissuade her from using my laptop mainly because I never thought of myself as a “good teacher”. But, she was just too stubborn, and I was left with no other choice than to teach her.

IELTS Speaking Test

So, the computer lesson began, and to my pleasant surprise, I found out that my niece was rather smart in learning basic things like turning on and off a computer, opening a particular software and composing documents. She even learned things like rearranging application windows, drawing pictures, and playing games after teaching her only a few times. I also taught her how to protect folders, do some basic maths, send emails and search for anything on the internet apart from giving her some ideas on what a computer is really capable of accomplishing.

Anyway, I felt really good and a bit proud of myself also as I managed to teach my little niece about some complex (supposed to be complex for a child, I thought) computer lessons without much effort and hassle. In fact, up until those computer lessons, I never thought that I could teach someone with such ease. Besides, it was after these computer lessons that I realized that we should never underestimate the abilities of children which I did previously.

IELTS Speaking Test

What are things that young people can teach old people to do?

I think they can teach them anything they are good at. However, if I had to pick something specific I would say the use of technology like how to use mobile phone features, apps and computer software.

Why do older people have problems learning new things?

I think it’s about memory. I think people’s memory deteriorates with time and people start forgetting things. For example, sometimes when I am teaching my mother, she forgets the previous steps. However, when I repeat it once or twice, she picks it up.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think showing is a better way than telling during education?

Of course. It’s easier to remember things we see. I am not sure why but I think our visual memory is far better. Moreover, there can be misunderstandings when telling something as words can be interpreted differently.

Do you think constant training is important for people to study something?

Yes, practice is the key to success. I remember I once watched a video which said that if a person spends about 1200 hours on something, he can become an expert at it. I couldn’t agree more. I remember I taught my mother how to use Microsoft Word and now she knows about it more than me because she uses it much more.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 17th June

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