BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 20th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 20th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Casio Smac.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Casio.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your favourite dish?

There are numerous dishes to choose from, all of which are delectable due to the restaurant’s inclination. Most importantly, I enjoy Mexican food.

Have you always had a preference for the same foods?

I don’t believe I eat the same type of food all year because I prefer to eat different foods as the seasons and meteorology change.

Do you have any food preferences?

Well, I enjoy all types of food, including habitual and fast food. As a result, there is no food that I dislike.

IELTS Speaking Test

Can you describe a typical meal in your country?

Rice is a favourite food of all tribes in my home country of Nigeria. Every country prepares it in a unique way.

Are you eating a healthy diet?

Yes, I am a health-conscious individual, so I always try to consume healthy foods such as fruits and exotic vegetables. I also prepare a balanced diet chart that I adhere to on a daily basis.

IELTS Speaking Test

How do you feel about fast food?

To be honest, I enjoy fast food and believe that everyone else does as well, because eating home-cooked meals on a daily basis is difficult.

Which meal of the day do you consider to be the most important?

Breakfast is consistently referred to as the most important meal of the day in my opinion. It gives us energy for the day. I believe that eating high-calorie, nutritious foods for breakfast will boost our energy and metabolism throughout the day.

IELTS Speaking Test

How about trying some new foods?

I am a huge foodie who enjoys trying new foods and feeling engendered. For example, I recently tried a Korean dish with a lot of exotic vegetables that was also very healthy.

Who usually prepares food in your household?

My mother is the one who cooks and creates new cuisines for my family.

Where do you usually eat?

I usually eat at home. Apart from that, I eat outside occasionally with my family or friends.

IELTS Speaking Test 

Do you believe it is necessary to learn to cook?

I am a firm believer that cooking is requisite for everyone for a variety of reasons. To begin with, cooking ability helps us as we age to prepare food for our loved ones, and most importantly, if one moves abroad for studies, this ability will assist them in surviving in an non-native country. So we must learn to cook as early as possible.

Have your eating habits changed in recent years? If so, how so?

Yes, my eating habits have changed in the last few years. I used to eat clutter, but now I eat greens and pure home-cooked food, and it has helped me stay healthy for years.

IELTS Speaking Test

One of my classmates in the university became a photo journalist after graduation, and I feel that his job is really interesting.

His name is Jim. He was always interested in photography when we were in school. And now he works for a very reputed national newspaper.

What I like most in his job is that he gets a lot of freedom as he does not have to report to any superior on a daily basis; moreover, his job timings are also very flexible. He can arrange his own itineraries and enjoys doing it independently. He always drives car around in Beijing to take photos for any kinds of events.

Another interesting aspect of his job is that he is able to get to meet some important dignitaries and celebrities. I can never forget how he managed to get access to watch the World Exposition last year when others were even struggling to buy tickets.

So, in my friend circle, I can’t think of anyone else who’s got more interesting job than him.

IELTS Speaking Test


Is it hard to find interesting job in your country?

I think it depends on how you think of what an interesting job is. For me, I think an interesting job should be the one that you like and are willing to devoting efforts. During the process, you should feel more joy than pain from work. Therefore, think being a teacher should be such kind of a job in my mind and it is not hard to find a job as a teacher in my country.

While for others, maybe the interesting jobs for them is painting or photographing and it may not be that easy to find a job as professional painter. So, it depends. However, on the whole, I think the market has provided enough choices so that I should not be that hard to find an interesting job.

IELTS Speaking Test

What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?

Firstly, to get enough understanding of the position that you are going to apply is important because the employer ii searching the one who is the most suitable and professional about the position. Then, people should practice making a brie self-introduction so that the employer can quickly have the basic information about you and your ability of oral expression Another thing that I think one should prepare is the dressing.

To dress according to the right dressing code is key and it is also a respect for others and the sign that you really value this opportunity. For girls, maybe they also should be aware of wearing appropriate make-ups depending on the position that they apply.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 20th June

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