BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 21st June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 21st June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Danish Kaur.

Describe yourself?

I am a life-long learner as I believe in a continuous and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge. Furthermore, I accept both success and failure with a positive attitude, without blaming others. I am a responsible and an accountable person as I take complete responsibility of my actions.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do people in your country prefer to live in cities or countryside?

People in country prefer to live in cities because they can get better education there. In addition, they also get all types of facilities in cities, like hospitals, transport etc. Life becomes easier in cities.

Do you think time is important?

Time is more valuable than money as it cannot be earned, saved and invested for future use. I believe a time gone never comes back, it is lost forever. Therefore, we shouldn’t be careless with our time.

IELTS Speaking Test

How often do you wear watch?

I try to make the best use of my time, so I always prefer wearing watch. Since I have developed this habit of wearing a wrist watch, I have become more attentive to how I spend my day in a productive manner.

Are you punctual?

I am very punctual as I value my time as well as the time of others. Punctuality helps you establish yourself as a dependable and reliable person.

IELTS Speaking Test

Where did you get your watch?

My father gifted me this watch on my last birthday, therefore, it is very close to my heart.

What do you use your watch for?

I have a smart watch. It can be used for many purposes. I can get directions using GPS over this watch. It works as a good fitness tracker as it can count steps, distance, calorie, heart rate, pulse rate, and sleep etc. Moreover, we can receive calls or reply to SMS through this watch.

How much water do you drink every day?

I drink at least six litres of water every day and make it a point to drink a glass of water as I wake up in the morning, and before every meal. I think it is a good practice, even if I don’t feel thirsty to maintain my body function and health.

IELTS Speaking Test

How long can a person live without drinking any water?

A person can live approximately 100 hours without consuming water in average temperature. This is because 60 percent of our body is made up of water, and it is highly necessary for basic organ functions, and its absence in the body is lethal.

Do you drink bottled water or water from machines?

I generally drink water from machines, but bottled water also comes in handy during travelling. My home and my workplace, both have an R.O. based water purifier. I generally carry around water from these machines in my water bottle and drink whenever necessary.

Difference between bottled and tap water?

Bottled water is a lot more different from tap water. It goes through a proper treatment and purification process which makes it potable, whereas, tap water is generally ridden with impurities, making it unfit for drinking in the long run.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

Being able to do something really well or being an expert in something, whether at work or study, is certainly a good thing. I already had figured that out during my college years. But I understand its value even more now at my work as a Junior Executive of my company where I frequently get called to participate in an interview process as a “psychological evaluation expert” on the prospective job candidate. Needless to say, being a “proxy psychological expert” isn’t exactly a part of my job responsibilities.

Yes, I get to check the “mental competency” of a prospective employee by asking them different questions during an interview. This is certainly not an easy task for a Junior Accounting Executive like me who started his job only about six months ago. However, still, I somehow managed to pull it off by asking the right questions at the right moment. They are, of course, some random questions, but I seem to be able to ask the necessary complementary questions most of the time.

IELTS Speaking Test

Of course, I also have to work so hard to get my candidate to open up to me so that he/she can feel free to talk to me about anything and everything to reveal his/her “potential” as a prospective employee of our company. It is also a difficult process since it can take a while to fully understand and appreciate the “mental competency” of a job candidate.

I accomplish the task better than others mainly because I can be utterly patient when it comes to listening to another person no matter how “inconsistent” he or she may sound. And, please trust me, listening to a prospective employee does help an interviewer to learn a great deal about him/her. In fact, I can listen to a person for hours without talking even once in response.

I also like to observe people carefully which allows me an opportunity to create a “profile” of a particular person in my mind. I also feel like I do this task a bit better than others because I did make it easy for a candidate to freely express his/her opinions on something they genuinely care about. Thus, I feel that my ability to observe a candidate carefully along with the ability to engage him/her on a personal and professional level helps me accomplish the task better than others.

IELTS Speaking Test

Should children be allowed to choose whom they want to sit with, or should the teacher decide? 

I believe that kids should follow the teacher’s suggested seating arrangement since it will help them meet new people, get to know them and most importantly, feel comfortable around strangers as well as their friends. As a result, students can interact with one another more.  

What kind of people do you like to study or work with?

I like to study with calm individuals who can sit quietly and make things easier for me. They can help you with any academic challenges you may face, motivate you, answer your questions and make studying or working easier for you.

IELTS Speaking Test

Should children be involved in management activities of the school?

Indeed, it is important for them to participate in management activities while they are in school to enhance their leadership skills later on. 


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 21st June

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