BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 22nd June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 22nd June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My name is Tashu Gupta.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tashu.

What kind of teachers do you like best?

I like teachers who are friendly and have patience; who do not get mad at me when I don’t understand anything. I like teachers who have depth of knowledge of the subject, and who have good communication skills to teach well.

IELTS Speaking Test

Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?

When I was young Mrs. Promilla was my favorite teacher. She used to teach me maths. I remember I used to be very weak at Maths, but Mrs. Promilla taught us so well that Maths became my favorite subject.

Would you want to be a teacher in the future?

Yes, I would definitely want to be a teacher in the future. I think I have the patience. Moreover, teaching is a very lucrative profession nowadays.

Have you ever had bad teachers before?

No, I have never had bad teachers in my life. All my teachers have been very nice.

How do you feel about birds?

I feel that birds are very special. They are beautiful creations of God. They add diversity to nature.

IELTS Speaking Test

How do Indian people feel about birds?

India is a diverse country. Everyone has different feelings. Some love birds, and keep them as pets. Others just admire them flying in the sky. Some even eat birds.

Are there many birds near your home?

Yes, there are birds near my home. I can see pigeons, crows, sparrows and even the cuckoo bird occasionally.

Have you seen many different kinds of birds?

Yes, I have seen many different birds. Apart from the birds I see routinely around my house, I have seen peacocks in my neighbouring village. I have also seen some rare birds, in the Chhattbir zoo. There were different varieties of parrots and the ostrich and emu over there.

IELTS Speaking Test

Thank you very much for this interesting topic. One of the most famous monuments I truly admire is the Statue of Liberty which is located in New York City, United States. This grandeur and iconic landmark holds immense historical and symbolic significance, making it a source of inspiration and admiration for people from around the world.

IELTS Speaking Test

The Statue of Liberty stands tall on Liberty Island in the New York Harbor. It is a colossal statue made of copper and stands at a height of around 305 feet (or 93 meters). The statue depicts a female figure, robed in flowing garments, holding a torch in her right hand and a tablet with the date “July 4, 1776” in her left hand. Her crown is adorned with seven spikes, representing the seven continents. The statue is a remarkable example of neoclassical sculpture and captivates visitors with its grandeur and grace.

I hold a deep admiration for the Statue of Liberty. It represents the ideals of freedom, liberty, and democracy, which are the foundation of the United States. The statue also serves as a welcoming symbol to immigrants and stands as a testament to the nation’s commitment to these values. It has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for those seeking a better life and represents the spirit of inclusivity and diversity.

Moreover, the sheer magnificence and artistic beauty of the statue are awe-inspiring. Its intricate details, from the delicate facial features to the flowing robes, demonstrate the craftsmanship and skill of the sculptors involved. The statue’s imposing stature and the way it stands tall against the backdrop of the New York skyline evoke a sense of admiration and wonder.

IELTS Speaking Test

Additionally, the Statue of Liberty holds personal significance to me as a symbol of opportunity and the pursuit of dreams. It represents the resilience and determination that individuals possess when they strive for a better future. The story behind the statue and its association with the American Dream resonates deeply with me and serves as a reminder of the power of human aspiration and perseverance.

What kinds of monuments do tourists in your country enjoy visiting?

In my country, tourists enjoy visiting a variety of monuments. Historical landmarks, such as ancient temples, castles, and palaces, attract visitors who are interested in the country’s rich cultural heritage. Additionally, statues and memorials dedicated to national heroes or significant events in history are popular tourist attractions. Architectural wonders like grand cathedrals, iconic bridges, and modern skyscrapers also draw tourists seeking to admire their beauty and marvel at their engineering.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why do you think there are often statues of famous people in public places?

Statues of famous people are often erected in public places as a way to honour and commemorate their contributions or achievements. They serve as symbols of inspiration, representing ideals, leadership, or cultural significance. Statues in public places can also act as historical markers, reminding people of the past and fostering a sense of identity and pride in their heritage. Moreover, these statues often become landmarks themselves, attracting tourists and serving as gathering points for the community.

Do you agree that old monuments and buildings should always be preserved?

Yes, I believe that old monuments and buildings should generally be preserved, as they hold historical, cultural, and architectural value. These structures are tangible representations of our past, providing insights into the history, art, and craftsmanship of a particular era. Preservation ensures that future generations can learn from and appreciate these heritage sites.

However, there may be cases where certain monuments or buildings are no longer feasible to preserve due to safety concerns or a lack of resources. In such situations, efforts should be made to document and record their significance before considering other alternatives, such as carefully planned restoration or creating replicas.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 22nd June

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