BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th June

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Garesham Singh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Garesham.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)? (Why?)

Hmm, that’s an interesting question. Well, I’m quite the morning person, and I find almost nothing more relaxing than the sound of birds chirping (the noise birds make) in the morning. I find that sound to be so fresh and innocent, which immediately starts my day off at ease. Even though I live in a big city now, it takes me back to my childhood in the countryside.

What sounds remind you of your childhood?

I would say the sound of 90’s pop music. As my family was really into music, we would always take a spin around my country town with 90’s pop blaring (playing at a high volume), such as Britney Spears, Counting Crows, Nsync, etc. Although this music may have not been my parents’ preference, they would always play it for my sister and I. We have many family memories singing along to these catchy (a song that you remember) hits.  Because of this, I would say these tunes are the soundtrack (the songs of a movie) of my childhood.

IELTS Speaking Test

What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)

My biggest pet peeve (something that annoys you) is the sound of honking horns. They drive me absolutely mad! I find this noise almost unbearable (impossible to put up with), mostly because of it’s loud, abrupt (unexpected) sound which instantly disturbs my peace. Furthermore, it’s usually the sound of a frustrated or angry driver, which makes it even more unpleasant.

What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

As I’m from a bustling (busy) city, it’s nearly impossible to escape the noise. Sounds from street sellers, honking horns, motorbikes, barking dogs, and construction sites fill the streets nearly 24 hours a day. I’d have to say that the noisiest part of the city is the old town, as there is a higher concentration (high numbers in one area) of street sellers there, more new construction projects, as well as more traffic passing through, as it’s the liveliest part of the city.

IELTS Speaking Test

What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

Well, quite a cacophony! It varies from the sound of screaming matches (fights) from the partners and families in my apartment, street sellers shouting out their product for all to hear, motorbikes speeding by, all the way to the sound of blaring horns. I would say the sound that defines my city most would be the sound of horns. As it has major traffic issues and non-defined lanes on the roads, it makes sense that the sound of horns would fill the streets.

Do you mind noises? (Do any noises bother you?)

As I’m quite a light sleeper (wake up easily), I become quite irritated by the sounds of noises around me. I’d have to say the most aggravating (annoying) is the sound of a barking dog. It’s just so shrill (something that gets in your head)! I find it very disturbing and almost impossible to focus on anything else. Moreover, it makes me sad to hear that a dog is in such a state of distress that they must bark like that.

IELTS Speaking Test

During a recent trip to a local market, I found a stunning piece of artwork that I was eager to purchase as a souvenir. It was a beautiful painting depicting the vibrant colors of the cityscape, and I knew it would make a perfect addition to my home decor. However, when I reached the cashier to pay for it, I realized that I had left my wallet behind at the hotel. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to let me share this experience with you.

IELTS Speaking Test

Feeling embarrassed and frustrated, I explained the situation to the cashier and apologized for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, they were unable to hold the painting for me until I returned with the payment. In a moment of panic, I quickly called my friend who was still at the hotel and asked them to bring my wallet to the market as soon as possible.

As I waited anxiously for my friend to arrive with my wallet, I felt a sense of disappointment that I wouldn’t be able to purchase the painting then and there. However, I also felt grateful for the support of my friend who came to my rescue in my time of need. Despite the initial setback, I was determined not to let it ruin my day, and instead, I focused on enjoying the rest of my time exploring the market with my friend.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think our shopping habits have changed?

Absolutely. People’s buying habits have altered dramatically due to technological breakthroughs. The majority of consumers have shifted their shopping habits. They buy almost everything virtually through online platforms. In India, it’s very rare that people physically go out to a store to shop because they buy all the products online. If they can’t find the product online, they tend to visit offline stores to purchase the same.

Do people spend too much time shopping these days? Why?

Yes, nowadays people spend too much time shopping than what they did in the past. Because of the increased accessibility of smartphones and online shopping applications, it has become effortless for consumers to spend their time online searching for and purchasing their desired products.

IELTS Speaking Test

Does technology affect our shopping habits? Why?

Yes, technology has undoubtedly been one of the most critical drivers of consumerism in recent decades. With the introduction of e-commerce, it has become more accessible for people to shop anything and everything, such as clothes, speciality foods, electronic devices, etc., at a pace without making an effort to go out. Clothes, specialised foods, electronic devices, and other items at their leisure without leaving the house. Even the businesses that have made their way into e-commerce are gaining immense profit. As a result, E-commerce has made it easier for customers to shop for their favourite items and have more options.


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th June

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