BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st July

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st July

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Wajib Saini.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Wajib.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why do you think law and order are important?

Law and order are important and necessary in order to maintain an ideology for a society to be bound together. It defines a set of conducts and norms that one must comply with in order to be considered a part of a civilized group of people who don’t undermine the right of other people.

Who/which department is most responsible for enforcing the law?

The judiciary branch of the government is most responsible for enforcing the law in a society and country. Law and order enforcement agencies like police, army, military and paramilitary forces help the judiciary branch to effectively enforce the law.

IELTS Speaking Test

Should laws be more universal? [Why?/Why not?]

No, I don’t think that the laws should be any more universal than they already are, simply because people in different parts of the world live under different codes of behaviour, religious principles and cultural values, and trying to force them to live under some so-called universal laws would prove out to be counter-productive.

Is there any law you think is too strict? [Why?/Why not?]

Yes, I do think that the law which allows the death penalty is too strict. But, then again, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a law that is “strict” is always bad. Rather, it could be good for the overall well-being of a society in the long run, especially when the crime rate increases, and at that time, some strict laws ensure the rights of its members.

IELTS Speaking Test

How do people in your country generally think about obeying laws?

I would say that people in my country are generally law-abiding citizens, given the mountains of problems and adverse situations the people have to deal with on a regular basis.

Are there many public facilities in your country? [Why?/ Why not?

Yes, there are many public facilities in my country. In fact, I would even suggest that most facilities in my country today are public. They are, for example, healthcare, electricity, public transport, public schools and colleges, water supply, public parks, and public libraries.

Do you go to a park often? [Why?/ Why not?]

No, I don’t really go to a park often, even though I would like to, because I remain busy with my work and other things. Besides, the parks, I would like to visit, aren’t really very close to where I live which makes it rather difficult for me to visit them often.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think parks should be free of charge? [Why?/ Why not?]

Yes, I do think that parks should be free of charge because it would offer the residents and citizens an extra incentive to visit the parks more frequently. And, we all know how important it is really for someone to visit a park regularly if he/she wants to remain mentally and physically sound and healthy.

What public facilities do you use often? [Why?]

Well, I would say that public facilities like public transportation, public water supply, public sanitation and electricity are the facilities that I use as often as on a regular basis. I use them because they are less expensive, convenient and easily accessible.

IELTS Speaking Test

Thank you for this wonderful topic that reminds me of a day that I really enjoyed and cherished. I’d like to talk about my 21ST birthday celebration, which was a memorable one for me.

IELTS Speaking Test

When I turned 21, I celebrated my birthday in a unique and memorable way. Instead of having a typical party, I decided to go on a road trip with a few close friends. We rented a car and drove to a picturesque coastal town about three hours away from where we lived.

On the day of my birthday, we started early in the morning and drove through scenic routes, enjoying the beautiful landscapes and stopping at charming little towns along the way. We arrived at our destination by midday and checked into a cozy seaside cottage that we had booked for the weekend. The cottage overlooked the ocean and had a private deck where we could relax and enjoy the view.

In the afternoon, we explored the town, visited local shops, and indulged in some delicious seafood at a waterfront restaurant. Later in the evening, we had a small barbecue party on the beach near our cottage. We grilled fresh seafood and enjoyed a bonfire under the starry sky. We sang songs, shared stories, and laughed late into the night.

I remember this birthday celebration so fondly because it was not just about the party or the gifts, but about the experience and the time spent with my closest friends in a beautiful setting. It was a refreshing and adventurous way to mark a milestone birthday, and the memories of that road trip and beachside celebration have stayed with me ever since.

IELTS Speaking Test

How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country?

In my country, birthday celebrations vary widely depending on personal preferences and cultural traditions. Some people host parties with friends and family at home or at venues like restaurants or parks. Others may prefer quieter celebrations with close family members. It’s common to have a cake, candles, and often gifts are exchanged.

Do you think it’s important to celebrate birthdays?

Yes, I do think it’s important to celebrate birthdays. It’s a chance to reflect on the past year, celebrate achievements, and look forward to the future. It also reinforces social bonds and allows loved ones to express affection and appreciation for the birthday person.

How have birthday celebrations changed over the years?

Birthday celebrations have become more diverse and personalized over the years. Traditionally, celebrations might have been more modest and family-oriented, whereas now there’s a trend towards themed parties, elaborate decorations, and experiential celebrations such as travel or adventure activities. Social media has also influenced how birthdays are acknowledged, with many people receiving wishes and messages online.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st July

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