BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 2nd May

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 2nd May

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is ABC.

How may I address you?

You may address me as ABC.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 2nd May

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you like art?

Yeah, I’m really into art coz it helps to release my stress. It’s a good way to get it out of my system from singing or painting. And art makes me be able to perceive the world better, like to discover beauty in life, and to improve my aesthetic level.

Do you like visiting art galleries?

Yeah, love to go to art galleries on my days off coz it’s cool to take snapshots there and put them on my moments. More importantly, I have the chance to know different genres, and listen to the stories told by the guides.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you want to be an artist?

Well my answer is no because most of the artists are in limbo. I mean, it’s very hard for a person to make a name for him or herself in the industry. I know it sounds utilitarian, but that’s the truth. And if that’s the case, it’s impossible for an artist to support him or herself.

Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Honestly, I’m an outsider to art, but I should say, I just love both because each has its strong points. To my understanding, traditional art provides a basis for aesthetic level, showing people the details of the artwork. And modern art is sort of like, breaking the mould and reflecting the artists’ thoughts.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you like painting/ drawing? Why?

Yes, I do. I used to be fancy of drawing when I was in primary school. I just enjoyed copying the figure in my drawing book and making use of any colour as I like. I felt proud of being praised by my relatives when they saw my drawing posted on the wall of my house.

Do you want to learn more about art?

No. I simply take it as some entertainment activities to kill time like sculpturing or paper cutting, not something that I would like to pay special attention or invest, or put alot of efforts. As I mentioned, handicrafts making is too time consuming and challenging to be adept. So, as opposed to making such stuff, I would rather spend some time listening to music and learn how to sing.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think children should learn drawing?

It depends. If a child has an interest in drawing, it’s good for them to do. Parents should encourage their children to do what they like. However, it’s useless to push every child to learn drawing.

IELTS Speaking Test

As a teacher, I sometimes have to deal with angry students. About five years ago, I had one student whose enraged outburst left a mark on me. This student had been caught cheating, which was very common because I was teaching at a Chinese university. When I discovered that he had copied his whole essay from the internet, I failed him.

He discovered this during one of our classes and he exploded with fury. He marched up to the front of the class and denied that he had been cheating. I showed him the website from which he had copied his essay and this made him embarrassed. He tore up his essay and threw it in the air, then started crying.

The experience was somewhat memorable because of the histrionics he displayed but it was not terribly unusual. I often had students cheat, deny it, and then react strongly in some way. However, most of them would quietly accept that they had done wrong. This student’s explosive outburst stuck in my mind.

IELTS Speaking Test

At the time, I found it mildly amusing, to be honest, because he had brought this whole situation upon himself with his dishonesty. However, after several years I feel a little sorry for him. He was the product of a society that strongly encourages cheating and he was only doing what he had been taught to do. I hope that he learned something from it, though.

How do you react when you have to face a difficult situation?

When faced with a difficult issue, my answer is usually deliberate and composed. I start by examining the problem and breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Following that, I use my problem-solving abilities and prior experience to identify potential solutions. I keep a cool head, which allows me to think clearly and make sound decisions. It is not unusual to seek advice or assistance from trusted persons, as teamwork often generates significant ideas. In essence, I handle challenging problems with logical thought, calm, and a readiness to seek assistance when necessary.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why people nowadays lost their temper at once when they face any difficult situation?

People’s increasingly short tempers in tough situations can be ascribed to a variety of causes in the modern world. The fast-paced nature of modern life, along with high stress levels and continual contact via technology, frequently leaves people feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Furthermore, the immediate gratification culture pushed by technology and social media has created a desire for speedy solutions. When real-life problems do not have fast solutions, this can lead to frustration.

What are some solutions to decrease high temper among people in this modern era?

Several modern-day methods can be beneficial in reducing hot tempers and increasing emotional resilience. For starters, encouraging mindfulness and stress management practices can help people cope better with daily stresses. Education and public awareness initiatives can emphasize the need of patience and self-control in issue solving. Encouraging a good work-life balance, limiting screen time, and cultivating face-to-face social interactions can help ease the stress of continual connectedness. Furthermore, teaching conflict resolution and communication skills can strengthen interpersonal relationships and reduce rage triggers. 

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 2nd May

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