BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 4th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 4th December


IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Speaking Test



What is your full name?

My name is Bijuya Ghor.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Bijuya.

IELTS Speaking Test

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Are you working or studying?

At the moment, I’m working but I want to go and study in Australia next year.

Can you describe your job?

Yes, I’m a Software Engineer and currently I’m working for an international company which develops a suite of financial solutions for investment banks.

Do you prefer working in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Why?

Generally, I think I probably work better in the morning when I feel fresh. Although sometimes I do lot of work at home at night, sometimes quite late at night, I find it easier to focus, so those are the two times of day when I feel most productive or creative normally.

IELTS Speaking Test

How often do you use a dictionary?

Not very often really, maybe once or twice a week.

Do you prefer using a paper or online one? Why?

I normally just consult one of the online dictionaries because I don’t have a paper dictionary. If I need to check a word or something I’ll access a dictionary on my phone or o laptop depending where I am.


Describe a place where you often visit with friends and family

IELTS Speaking Test

– Where is it

– How you know the place

– How you go there

– Why you want to visit it


I love shopping. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. I normally do shopping in bulk at wholesale stores. There is one such store – Best Price around 15 mins drive from Jalandhar. The store opened around four five years ago. I remember when it opened there was a huge advertisement and one could see claims like best price guarantee. I thought it was a marketing gimmick.

Then one day my uncle visited it and told us the claims are not false. The store really offers huge discounts. There are heavier discounts on larger order sizes. We normally go there once every month. It’s around 12kms from my house. We normally prefer to take our car. Sometimes my uncle also joins us. We buy so many things like groceries, utensils, cleaning supplies and fruits.

IELTS Speaking Test

Recently they added a new garments section too. Another advantage is that the store offers free cardboard packaging. Also on orders worth more than Rs5000 they offer free home delivery as well. They have a good parking space too. But during festival season even this huge parking falls short. We can see queues outside the store. I can spend hours and hours here just shopping and never getting bored. There is just one thing that I dislike and it’s the long queues at the checkout counters.


Do you like to hang out with your friends?

Yes, I like to go out with my friends quite often. We normally meet over the weekends and watch a movie together or go for shopping. Sometimes we just roam around in the market when we are free.

IELTS Speaking Test

What do you think is the most important thing of being friends?

The most important thing about being friends is caring for each other. And friends should not be selfish. They should also trust and share things with each other.

Do you think that technology makes it easier to make new friends?

Yes, it is very easy to make friends nowadays because of technology. Earlier people could make friends only when they met someone but now they can make friends on social networking websites and also from different parts of the world.

IELTS Speaking Test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Test

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