BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th December


IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Speaking Test



What is your full name?

My name is DD RH.

How may I address you?

You may address me as DD.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like to travel?

Yes, absolutely. Travelling is my top hobby because whenever I travel, I can meet and get to know many new people from different cultures and nations, which helps me to broaden my horizons.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you often travel by air?

No, not much. Travelling by air too often is out of my reach for a student like me. However, I do travel by air once or twice a year to an ASEAN member because the airfares to these destinations are quite affordable.

How long was the longest trip you took?

I went on a 9-day trip to Thailand and this was my longest trip ever. I spent 3 days in Bangkok, 2 days in Pattaya and 3 days in Phuket. The remaining one day was allocated for moving.

Which country would you like to travel to in the future?

Italy is my dream destination as it is home to the most stunning churches in the world. Also, I love the Italian culture, language and friendly people whom I’ve met in Vietnam.

IELTS Speaking Test

Would you like to travel to space?

Yes, it sounds a bit weird and scary though. I am curious about how other planets look and how I would be when there is no gravity. This idea really scares me off but as it sounds pretty intriguing, I would like to try travelling to space once.


Describe a person who once moved to live with you

You should say:

– When and where this person moved in

– How you know this person

– How you got along with this person

And how you feel about living with this person

IELTS Speaking Test


Well, I’m going to talk about a person who is one of my flatmate in Australia. Her name is Linda. Possibly, she is one of the best friends of mine who lived with me.

First, I would love to talk a little bit about the time and the place where she lived in. It was in a very freezing Sunday night around 2 or 3 degree Celsius. In the very heart of the winter, I mean in July, there was a girl struggling with loads of luggage knocking at the door of my house. She said hi to everyone in a very humble way. This is a sort of the scenario of how I got to know her.

There should be a fate between us, I reckon. What I mean fate here is by accident we got to know each other and we are at the same hometown back in India and we used to live in the same area in India when both of us were going to a university in Mumbai. But we just run across with each other only in Australia.

IELTS Speaking Test

Moving onto the next point, I would like to approach the idea of our relationship. To be honest, we were not in a very good harmony initially because of some misunderstandings and conflicts during the time we lived in under the same roof, shared the rent, bills and time clash. But gradually, we discovered out that we have a lot of common interests and characteristics.

Living with her is quite enjoyable because we could share lots of things together, but did not have to worry about bothering each other in the daily life.


IELTS Speaking Test

Why do people in your country choose to move home?

Well, there are several instances why people transfer from one house to another. One thing I can think of is, they look for a better employment that could offer them career advancement and a higher salary wage. Take me as an example, I live in ‘name’ but I decided to move in ‘name’ because they offer twice as much as I earn in Kunming. Second reason is because, some people move because of marriage. In Vietnam, once you get married you must separate from your parents and find a place to stay in but there are still some people who prefer to live with their parents in one roof.

Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

I think it’s better to buy your own home if you can afford to do that. Buying your own home is a better investment in the long term, because you can sell the home and perhaps even make a profit on it. The alternative is to pay rent to a landlord who can ask you to leave at any moment.

IELTS Speaking Test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Test

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