BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 14th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 14th January


IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Speaking Test



What is your full name?

My name is Yuh Isj.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Yuh.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

IELTS Speaking Test

And what subject are you studying?

I am studying Entrepreneurship.

Why did you choose this subject?

The reason behind choosing this subject was to help me carry forward my family business.

What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

Well, I will be doing my master’s in business management and entrepreneurship.

Now let’s talk about weekends, what do you usually at the weekends?

They’re pretty relaxed weekends as I get time to organize my room, wardrobe and other stuff like that if I’ve time in hand I try visiting relatives or friends. On some weekends, I feel doing nothing but just relaxing the whole day and spend my quality time with family.

IELTS Speaking Test

What do you think you will do next weekend?

I’m looking forward to this weekend as I plan to visit an old age home with a friend. I sometimes visit such places for charity because I get a different kind of satisfaction by helping those who are in need.

Do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child?

When we were kids, we really didn’t know the importance of weekends because we would be playing around the entire day as there was not so much of work or study stress but today we realize what weekends are all about in the real manner. They recharge both mentally and physically for the next week. I wonder how some people work on weekends.


A public place you visited and you think needs improvements.

–  What is it?

– When you visited

– What you liked and disliked about it

– Why do you think it needs improvements?

IELTS Speaking Test


There are a number of places in my city where people are visited like gardens, shopping malls, city centers. These places add to the beauty of the city and people visit these places for meeting people, doing exercise, shopping and spend leisure time. Nowadays a number of restaurants are also opened where people enjoy the different kinds of foods and dishes.

Today, I would like to talk about the nature park which is situated in the heart of the city. About a decade ago it was under the forest department but then the government of Punjab established it as a park on the demand of the local people. There is a different kind of flowers blooming in the garden which presents a beautiful view of nature. In last year my relatives came in summer vacations and I took them to see the park.

There were swings also for the children where kids enjoyed. People were doing exercise and walking. But it needs improvements because people throw the waste bottles and papers here and there which spoiled the beauty of the park. Some dogs have also entered the park and it is a thing to be worried about because these stray dogs can harm anyone. Moreover, there were no arrangements of drinking water because the water cooler established there were also not working. So the city corporation should look into the matter immediately.

IELTS Speaking Test


Are there many public places in India?

Yes, India is a big and diverse country having a lot of population. Where there is public, there are bound to be public places.

Do you like to exercise in public places such as parks?

Yes, of course. In this way, I get to exercise and also get some fresh air. Moreover, there are many people exercising in the park, which encourages everyone to exercise there.

Do older people or younger people like exercising in the public place?

I believe this has nothing to do with age. Parks are good places to exercise for all age groups. The type of exercise may be different but all age groups can be seen exercising in the parks.

IELTS Speaking Test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Test

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