BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 18th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 18th February


IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Speaking Test



What is your full name?

My name is Mousiyu yotiya.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Mousiyu.

IELTS Speaking Test

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Describe the place you live now.

I live in a small apartment that isn’t far from the university. It has two bedrooms, and I share it with a classmate.

Do you think it’s better to live in a house or in an apartment? Why?

For me, it’s better to live in an apartment/flat. A house is too expensive. Anyway, even if I had the money for a house, I wouldn’t have the time to care for it.

IELTS Speaking Test

Describe your neighborhood.

The neighbourhood/neighborhood is in a good location. We’re close to the bus and train. We have some good restaurants, and it’s easy to buy food here. We’re downtown/in the city centre, but it’s safe.

How do people choose their place to live?

They choose where to live based on location, money and what is available. If they need a roommate/flat mate like me, they also need to think about that.

Describe your family. Are you married? Do you have children? Brothers and sisters?

I’m not married yet. I have a younger brother who still lives at home with my parents. I have an older sister who got married recently. I don’t live with my family now because I’m studying in a different city.

IELTS Speaking Test

What are some things you enjoy doing with other members of your family?

When my brother and I are together, we always like to play soccer. We play it a lot at the park near my parents’ house. We watch soccer matches on TV, too. Sometimes when I visit my sister, we cook a meal together, or we sit around and talk about old times.


Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood

– What was the toy

– Who gave it to you

– How often did you play with it

IELTS Speaking Test


If I remember correctly, in my early days as a child, I wasn’t exactly that much interested in playing with toys. Rather, I was interested more in running outside of the home or jumping with other kids. In fact, I would enjoy outdoors more than staying at home. But, my parents thought that I would rather spend more time at home, hence the idea of buying many toys for me.

Anyway, a special toy that my parents bought for me was a toy car, made of quality plastic, and it was battery-operated. However, when the toy car was initially handed to me, I didn’t really find much use of it nor was I that much interested to learn about how it worked. In fact, if I remember it correctly, I left that toy alone for the first few days.

IELTS Speaking Test

By the way, when I was a young child, I seldom remember my parents ever pushing me to do something or imposing anything on me. But, when they found that I wasn’t playing with my toy, they started to show me how to play with it. They even taught me some tricks about getting the car to make some funny sounds. And, it was at that I felt little interested in that plastic toy car.

In fact, I really liked the funny sounds it was making. After that, I started to play with. And it was a multicoloured car, and it was about 6 inch in length. The toy had a little windshield and a driver seat also.  It was a fast toy, and the longer I was playing with that car, the more I liked it.

Anyway, it was a special toy for me because I felt like it gave me the speed inside me that I was looking for. Besides, it was a very strong toy also because even though, I played very rough with it, it didn’t stop working or running. Finally, I consider the toy to be special also because it offered me an opportunity to spend some more quality time with my parents, which I cherish each and every day of my life.

IELTS Speaking Test


What is the difference between girls’ and boys’ ‘toys?

Traditionally, girls used to like toys like dolls, kitchen sets, fairies, and butterflies. Boys normally preferred aggressive toys like guns, cars, and things to build and things, which make a lot of noise. The other difference was that boys normally picked blue, brown and green. Girls, on the other hand, chose pink with a tinge of purple. These differences have been disappearing over the years.

Do you think toys really help in children’s development?

Yes, toys play a big role in children’s development. It helps to develop their motor and sensory skills and also their cognitive abilities. At the same time, it also leads to their social development, especially when they play with other children. Children also learn responsibility when parents ask them to properly store their toys.

IELTS Speaking Test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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