BEST IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer, 7th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer, 7th December


IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer
IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer



IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

What is your full name?

My name is Nowri Buk.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Nowri.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

Do you like running?

Honestly speaking, I’ve never given a thought to it. I’m not too fond of it because each running session drains my energy.

Have you ever taken a running class?

No. I dread to think of having to run around 10 km daily. I don’t think I’ll ever take part in any running class in the foreseeable future.

When was your last long run?

I haven’t run since my last physical education class in my second year. Now I’m in my 3rd year. Thus, my last long run was like one year and a half ago.

Why do people need to run?

Running has been scientifically proved to be one of the very few sports which requires nearly all the muscles to function, thus benefiting almost the whole body. Therefore, people need to run to stay healthy.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

Where do you think is a good place to run?

Without a doubt, parks are the most ideal for runs. Since an enormous amount of oxygen is needed when running, it is better to run inside a place where the air is fresh and has enough oxygen rather than polluted with carbon dioxide.

Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?

While the gym is eclipsing running in terms of popularity nowadays, I believe running is an effective way to stay healthy. It is also more economical than gym.


Describe a success your friend has achieved

• What it was

• When it happened

• Why your friend chose this area of activity

And explain why you thought this was a success.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


People say that nothing succeeds like success. So, we like to talk about it, whether it is ours or achieved by others, whenever an opportunity is presented. Today, I would like to talk about such success which surely would make anybody proud. This success belonged to one of my friends.

My friend, Travers, was an aspiring entrepreneur, and he wanted to establish himself as a successful entrepreneur since his early days as an adult. So, he decided to enter into the business of making garments products such as shirts and pants for the adults. But, the problem was that he neither had any prior working experience in that particular business sector, nor he received any formal training in the trade. So, it wasn’t exactly easy for my friend to get the entrepreneurial start that he expected.

But, he was a very determined lad, and he was not exactly ready to give up so easily. So, he decided to take a job at one of the garments factories with a very minimal wage in order to make him familiar with some of the tricks of running a garments business. It wasn’t an easy job to do since it involved long hours of manual works from unloading shipments to cuttings and sizing of hundreds of fabric pieces. He continued his back-breaking works there for almost a year, learning the nitty-gritty details of the business. Finally, he was ready- he was ready to set up his own business.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

A few sewing machines and a few skilled technicians were all he needed to start his business. In the beginning, it was only a few orders from here and there with nothing consistent just to keep him going in his works with a very minimal profit. But, as time progressed, my friend would get out for collecting work orders from different businesses, all over the country, in order to make customized dresses for them. I guess it was during this crucial period of time, my friend sensed that something good was going. My friend finally got what he wanted after working tirelessly for almost two years.

I am really proud of my friend for what he achieved and how he achieved it. It was because of his hard works and sheer determination that he managed to become a successful entrepreneur at such an early age. In fact, there was tremendous pressure from his family to get a good job (since he graduated from university with good grades) instead of starting a business, but he didn’t succumb to the pressure and chose to carry on with his entrepreneurial pursuit even if it meant working for 16 hours a day and 30 days a month.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

I am also very proud of my friend because he was working for a greater purpose which was to create better working opportunities for the unemployed young adults, and I must say that he succeeded in achieving his goal to a large extent.


What qualities do you think are necessary for success in life?

To become a successful person in life, we are required to have a great number of qualities, but the most important one is certainly patience. I mean, nobody can succeed without experiencing failures. We need to persevere until the time is right, and our efforts will pay off.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

Do you think having a lot of money can be seen as an achievement?

Yes, to some extent. All of us all try to earn as much money as possible as we all know it is terrible to live in poverty. Therefore, having a lot of money may mean the world to somebody and they are entitled to feel satisfied when achieving this as long as he or she doesn’t forget other values in life like family or love.

Is it good or bad for a person to be successful when he is still young?

It is more of a negative trend in my mind, simply because they will very likely be tempted by fame or wealth and fails to pursue other goals that are more precious like their career or a happy marriage. Public figures, for example Justin Bieber, who became internationally well-known way too early, are living a life fraught with scandals.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

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