BEST IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer, 17th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer, 17th December


IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer
IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer



What is your full name?

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

My name is Normali Kuka.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Normali.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

How many hours do you sleep every day (or every night)?

Usually I sleep around 7-8 hours every day. But if I have deadlines to meet, I go to bed at odd hours and barely get 4-5 hours of sleep.

Do you think it’s good to have a nap during the day?

Yes. Japanese companies allow their employees to take a power nap and they have proved it to be beneficial.

Do you think old people need more sleep than young people?

I think old people can manage with a minimum amount of sleep. In general, the amount of sleep decreases as you get older. Old people usually take pills to fall asleep. But it also varies from person to person.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

Have your sleeping habits changed since you were younger?

Yes, it has changed drastically. When I was young, I used to sleep for 12 hours. But as I grew older, it decreased. Nowadays, it depends on the extent of my exhaustion. Sometimes I do sleep for 9 hours.

Has your voice ever changed?

Yes, it actually changes most often when I come down with serious flu. When I’m sick with a cold or flu, the acute laryngitisleads to my temporaryhoarseness. I think it causes swelling that alters the way my vocal cords vibrate, making me sound deeper and huskier.


Talk about an interesting conversation you had, or a speech you heard.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


Uhm, this is my favorite topic. When I was a student, I wasn’t very interested in any speech or talks. However, since I started my job as a teacher, I have enjoyed these talks a lot. I did hear a talk from a lecturer who comes from ABC University. He is a TESOL teacher, so the way he gave the talk really impressed me. Sitting in a big hall and listening to a talk actually isn’t a boring thing.

The lecture presented different methodology in teaching English for high school students. Then, the talk visualized a variety of games to motivate students’ interests, such as snakes, battleships or puzzles. I have to admit that they are very creative and funny. Moreover, I did learn a lot from this talk, especially the games since I’ve never thought that games are really effective in class but they proved me wrong.

The students like them a lot, which makes me believe in those new teaching methods. I think I will listen to these talks more when I have time.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


Why do people feel nervous when they are giving a speech to others?

Public speaking has always been one of the utmost challenges for anyone, especially those lacking practices. Like any interpersonal skills, being able to deliver a thorough, yet captivating speech to a group of strangers requires certain factors. Reasons why most people fail, for me, fall into two main categories: the fear of audience’s reaction and the topic itself. People are judgmental creatures and can cast aspersions on almost everything; therefore, presenters may suffer from the pressure of perfecting every detail. In addition, if someone is going to talk about topic that is unfamiliar to him or too sophisticated for listeners, it is possibly not as wellreceived as the one he knows more about.

Can you suggest any methods that would help reduce nervousness?

Each of us will surely experience at least once in our lifetime the feeling of anxiety. It can be before our job interview or big presentation, when meeting your family-in-law for the first time and so on. Nervousness could be a good sign since it shows that we care. However, to better perform at such life-changing events, you should control your feelings. Firstly, take a deep breath. You can’t be at your best without breathing easily. Second, don’t try convince yourself that you’re not anxious. Accept it just like any other feelings then you don’t have to keep reminding yourself to ignore it. Lastly, use positive self-talk. Encourage yourself and remember that you are in this place for a reason.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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