BEST IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer, 17th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer, 17th January


IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer
IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer



What is your full name?

My name is Talkiu Guy.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Talkiu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you think it’s Important to be on time?

Yeah, I think it definitely is, because it’s basic good manners to be on time for things. You know, I think you’d agree it’s pretty rude to keep people waiting, and so it kind of gives a bad impression about that person.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

How do you feel when others are late?

Well I guess it kind of depends, because I mean, if there’s a good reason for being late, you know, like getting stuck in traffic, then I will not really mind that much. But you know, if the person does not really have any excuse and it’s simply because they could not be bothered to arrive on time, then I suppose I might feel a bit annoyed.

Are you, yourself, late very often?

No, I would not say I am. You know, most of the time I’m pretty good with being on time for things, because I always make a quite big effort not to be late.

Are you, yourself, late very often?

Yeah, I am. And I know it’s a bad habit, but for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I always seem to end up being late for things!

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

How do you feel when you are late?

I feel pretty bad, especially if I’ve kept the other person waiting for a long time. So if I know I’m going to be late, I will always try to let the person know in advance, you know, like send them a text message or something, so at least they know when to expect me.

How do you think you could be on time?

I guess the best thing to do would be to always allow lots of time to get anywhere. So for example, if it normally takes me, say, half an hour to get to the city centre, then I should probably leave home about an hour before I need to get there.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


Talk about someone whom you think is the best parent.

– Name and where he/she resides

– What has he/she done

– How you were impressed by him/her


IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

My own parents are the best parents in this world. Both my mother and father are very good but if I have to talk on a good parent not my own then I would choose my friend Krisha’s mother. I know her very well because she is my best friend’s mother. Her name is Sangitaben. She is 56 years old. She is not very tall but very beautiful.

Her hair has started graying but she doesn’t colour or dye her hair. She believes in the three Gs – go grey gracefully. She generally wears traditional Punjabi suits. Actually, they are our neighbours. Sapna tells me she has done a lot for her. She told me how she sat beside her for the whole night when she had fever. She does everything she can to make her family’s life comfortable.

She has excellent culinary skills. I have also learnt a lot of kitchen work from her because I go to their house very often. I am impressed by her because she treats Sapna like a friend. Sapna discusses everything with her and like a friend she listens nicely. Even I can share all my secrets with her. She is very friendly with me also. I always feel that a good parent should be friendly but firm. She knows very well when to be strict and when to give room to her children.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

That is why I can say that she is a good parent. She always keeps an eye on Sapna’s friends circle even when she appears to be busy. All people in our neighbourhood respect and adore her. She is very soft-spoken and I have never heard her speak harsh words to anyone. She has a good sense of humour. She can lighten up any tense situation by cracking some jokes. Sapna tells me that normally she makes her do some household chores but whenever it is exam time then she never disturbs Sapna. She is the best parent one can have.


If you were a parent and busy in your work, would you take care of your children or hire a babysitter?

I would try to take care myself, but if not possible, I would go for a babysitter. If I had the choice, I would give up work for some time to give quality care to my children.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

Do you think it is fair to let mothers take care of the children all the time?

Of course not. Both parents are responsible for bringing the child into the world, and I believe it should be a joint responsibility to care for the child.

Some teenagers don’t like to be controlled by their parents. What do you think?

I think today’s children want freedom, so they rebel when parents are too strict. I think parents should know when to be strict and when to be friendly with their child. Parenting is a very daunting task.

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topic with Answer

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