BEST IELTS Speaking Topics 2022, 29th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics 2022, 29th January


IELTS Speaking Topics 2022
IELTS Speaking Topics 2022



What is your full name?

My name is Hert Ry.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Hert.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Where do you live?

I live in Charlestown. It is a small city southeast from here, about a 30-minute drive away.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

Were you born there?

No. I was born in Nagpur, a large city in India. It is in the western part of the country, near Mumbai.

Do you live on your own or with your family?

I live with two roommates. They are friends of mine from college. I have a sister who lives in Sydney, but the rest of my family still lives in Nagpur.

How often to you get to see your family?

Not very often. My parents visited me last year and I was in Australia two years ago on a student exchange, so I was lucky enough to see my sister as well.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

What are you studying?

I started out studying to be a dentist and just hated it. I did it so that my parents would be happy. But then went for my true love, MUSIC!

Oh, how long have you been studying music?

I’ve been studying Hindu and Thai music for the last year and hope to graduate in two years time.


Describe a musical event you enjoyed attending

You should say:

– what the event you attended was

– where it took place

– who was with you

And explain enjoyed attending the event.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


A musical event I enjoyed attending was an opera. It was a presentation of La Boheme that took place at the Sydney Opera House. There were many reasons I enjoyed the event. First of all, I went there when I was doing my student exchange project and got a chance to see my sister Jane and meet some of her friends. We went with her friends Edward and Asha.

Jane has been friends with them since she arrived in Sydney and started studying in college. It was great fun going to a new place with people I felt comfortable with. So it started off as a very pleasant experience. The second reason I enjoyed it was that they knew so much about the opera house building. They couldn’t stop talking about the famous Danish architect, Jorn Utzon, who built the building. I must admit it was all new to me.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

The other reason I enjoyed the event is not only because of the music, but because of the building itself. It’s located in a beautiful place, standing in harmony with the harbor. It has those unbelievable round roofs that look like waves. The best part of the building is the acoustics. It’s unbelievable. You know I’m a musician and acoustics are very important to me.

I shouldn’t forget the opera itself. I enjoyed it so much. I’m ashamed to say that it was the first time I had ever been to an opera. It was a very special moment for me to watch an opera on the stage for the first time. I have a feeling it’s not going to be my last one.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


What is Carnatic Music?

Oh, it’s old Hindu music. It’s more of a religious kind of music that most Indians like to listen to in the southern part of India. You know that India has different languages, and cultures, but this music is loved by all Indians. Ii is part of our history. It’s very melodic and is based on singing more than on instruments.

So what is so special about Hindu Music?

Well, I think the first special thing about it is the musical instruments we play. There is the sitar, which everybody has heard about but there is another very popular instrument called sarod.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

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