BEST IELTS Speaking Topics 2022, 14th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics 2022, 14th February


IELTS Speaking Topics 2022
IELTS Speaking Topics 2022



What is your full name?

My name is ABC IJU.

How may I address you?

You may address me as ABC.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where do you come from?

I am from Phagwara. It is a small town between Jalandhar and Ludhiana.

Do you often write (or, send) emails?

No, I don’t often write/send emails. I sometimes write official emails, like for sending in a job application through email and sometimes I write to my friends.

What do you write about?

I sometimes write official emails, like sending a job application. When I write to my friends or relatives, it is informal and I ask about their health and wellbeing and tell them about what’s going on in my life.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

Do you think emails are useful?

Yes, I think that emails are very useful. Emails are convenient, timesaving, cost-effective and easy to send and receive. These days, emails are a good way to communicate for both formal and informal purposes.

What kinds of emails do you send and receive?

I mostly receive promotional or spam emails advertising various shopping websites or products. I sometimes receive emails from my friends who are living in another country and at times I receive official communication, e.g. emails from the bank or the Income Tax Department.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


Describe a place where you go to read and write, that is not your home.

You should say:

– Where this place is

– How you know this place

– What you do there

– What do you think it is a good place for reading and writing?


IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

To me, my home is the most comfortable place to read and write, but a close second would be the British Library in my city. Till the first year of my college, when one of my friends told me about this library, I did not even know that it existed. There were other libraries in my city, which were small but well stocked, and I used to visit them from time to time.

But, once I visited the British Library with my friend, I realized how much better it was than the others. Located in the city centre, in a stately building, the library housed its collection of books in a large hall in the basement. The hall was air conditioned, and the books were well organized, sorted by genre and language. None of the books were dusty or torn, and there was ample seating for people to work comfortable.

That very day, I bought a membership to the library, and started frequenting it. Now, the library has moved to another area, and it is even better. The comfortable tables and chairs, and the quiet, well-lit atmosphere are perfect for me to write chapters of my books, to read reference books, novels, self-help, and even browse through encyclopedias, while simultaneously taking notes.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

I often even sit there and browse through international newspapers, once my other work is done. It is one of those places that take you away from the hustle bustle of the city, in spite of being located in a very noisy area. The British Library in my city is truly a sanctuary for the mind. It also hosts book club gatherings every week, organizes book readings by famous authors, allows members to interact authors, and holds great workshops for storytelling, creative writing, and other intellectually enriching activities.

All these activities are held in a separate section from the reading area, so that no one gets disturbed. The librarians there are very helpful, well read, and well trained. They know exactly where to find which books, and are also great at suggesting good books to those who need help selecting. Because of all these facilities, I think it is good place to read and write.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


Who likes to read more – young people or old people?

I think old people like to read more, these days, while youngsters have moved to other pastimes. Youngsters have a shorter of attention today, and so they prefer activities that seek lesser involvement of time, and higher sensory involvement. They get this from their hi-tech gadgets with ease, making them less inclined to read. The older people still have good attention spans, and are also more patient. So, they enjoy reading more.

Why do some people dislike reading books these days?

People in recent years have got used to activities such as watching movies, and playing digital games. These activities provide higher engagement of senses, and most people have hi-tech gadgets to facilitate these interests of theirs. In comparison, reading books is more time consuming and has no audio input. Further, there are no moving visuals and a lot is left to imagination in books. So, people dislike reading books these days.

Are there many libraries in India?

Yes there are many libraries in India. While most of the libraries are run by the national government and local corporation bodies, there are some libraries that are founded and managed by private trusts and benevolent individuals who understand the importance of reading and wish to promote and propagate it in society.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

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