BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 7th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 7th November


IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Speaking Topics



What is your full name?

My name is Aksnjiyu Fumna.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Aksnjiyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

How often do you have a haircut?

I don’t go for a haircut very often, as I like long hair but yes I think it is good to have a haircut every 3-4 months.

How long have you had your current haircut?

It’s been 2 months since my last haircut. I think it still looks good. Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? No, I haven’t experienced anything like this but I will feel terrible if it happens.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Do you like to have your hair cut?

No, I don’t like it much, because I don’t like anyone doing anything with my hair. So, I go for haircuts only when it is necessary.

Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?

I prefer several short breaks because I can only concentrate for short durations. What do you usually do during a break? During a break, I like to check the news or social networking apps on my phone.

Why do you need to take a break?

As I said earlier, I find it difficult to concentrate for longer durations so I take breaks to relax.

How often do you take a break?

When I am studying or working, I normally take a break after every hour.

IELTS Speaking Topics


Talk about someone who encouraged you or has been an example for you in the past.

Please say;

– Who was it?

– What did you do to thanks him / her?

– What was the result of it?


Encouragement is the giving of strength, often for a difficult task. Motivation plays a part and parcel role in our life because it bestows confidence to do something. It assists us to grow and develop in a profound manner. Likewise, here I will take this opportunity to talk about my mother who always persuaded me in almost all tasks.

I consider her as my role model. I remember when I was in standard IX, I was suffering from obesity. It’s a very heinous disease which is caused by the dint of unhealthy eating habits. As a repercussion, my friends always bullied me. They started taking weird names and laughed at me. That was the basic reason owing to which I was not able to concentrate on my academics.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Therefore, my performance plunged to almost zero. When I shared the same with my mother she advised me to so exercise and to prove them wrong. I started performing various exercises, in addition to, did gagging but nothing happened even after two months. Consequently, I loosed hope and dropped the idea but thanks to y mother who fostered me at right time. She transferred positive vibes and an optimistic attitude into me through her sayings.

She always accompanied me not only in case of morning walks but also in terms of yoga or meditation. Within six months I was able to notice a huge change within myself. Due to yoga and meditation, I not only lose weight but also enhanced my cognitive abilities. My friends also felt sorry and started to play with me.

I was able to accomplish it just because of my mother. Although I can’t repay her endeavors but I arranged a special day for her. To exemplify, we went for shopping, watched a movie in the theatre. In continuation, I also made a handmade card for her. I think at present also she must be having that card.

IELTS Speaking Topics

It was the happiest day for all of us. My role model that is my mother persuaded my self-esteem. I was able to wear favorite gowns which at once I only had an option to have a glimpse over them. I just love my role model cum the person who always motivated me in sophisticated tasks.


Were you happy with the result?

Of course! I really got ecstatic when I was able to transform myself furthermore; I eradicated a life–threatening issue of obesity problem among the children of my eye.

Can children be motivated or encouraged?

Definitely yes! Children can be persuaded through appreciation. By doing so, one can boost the self-esteem of the minor up to a great extent and the particular minor will strain every nerve for the accomplishment of any goal, well, encouragement should not be mistaken for praise we need to take care of this.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Do you think money is the only means of encouragement? Why?

Yes, according to my, money can be considered as a source of encouragement but up to some extent. For instance, it’s the best and profound way to faster the minors like tutors provide candies and grandparents provide coins to them. Children of my age need appreciation because our world encompasses anxiety, depression, and competition. In order to eradicate these three appreciations can be performed for significant results.


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IELTS Speaking Topics

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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics

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