BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 29th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 29th November


IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Speaking Topics



What is your full name?

My name is Pretyu Shahi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Pretyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?

As I’ve already said, I had many friends when I was in my high school. But these days I have comparatively fewer close friends.

IELTS Speaking Topics

What do you usually do with your friends?

I enjoy playing outdoor games, watching movies in a theatre, having conversations related to recent political and international issues, sharing my updates and concerns, going long drive with my friends. The best part is the open conversation we can have related to almost any topic.

Are friends as important to you as your family?

To me, my family is more important. However, this does not make my friends less important to me. Naturally, family comes first for almost everybody and then the friendship. I am no exception.

Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?

When I was in my early teens, I preferred many friends but nowadays I have few friends but they are very close to me. So I would say, I prefer having few close friends than having too many ordinary friends.

IELTS Speaking Topics

What do you expect from a good friend? 

Well, that’s a tough question! Not that I have not thought about it, but I have never drawn a solid conclusion about it! Umm, my expectation from a good friend is that he would be a good companion, good listener, would criticise me whenever needed, would be supportive and positive. He must be honest and would have a sense of humour. Finally, I expect him to be more like a family member than an outsider.


Talk about a wish that you couldn’t accomplish for a long time

– What was the wish?

– When you wanted to achieve

– Why you couldn’t achieve

IELTS Speaking Topics


Everyone sets goals in his or her life. Some are short term goals and some are long term goals. Here, I would like to talk about a goal I took a very long time to achieve. Actually I was very fat. I wanted to lose around 10 kg weight. I wanted to do it by exercise and not by restricting my diet. I joined a gym and started exercise regularly.

But, I took my normal meals and didn’t put any control on the munching and nibbling in between. By the end of one month, I had not lost even half a kg, but my clothes started fitting better. My instructor at the gym told me that I was losing fat but putting on muscle. That it why it was inch loss and not weight loss. I was not at all happy with my progress. Then I thought of following a diet chart.

My gym instructor made a diet chart, which was so difficult and timed that I gave up after 2 days. One of my gym mates was losing weight very fast. I asked him what he was doing to lose weight. He told me that he didn’t do any dieting, but he watched what he ate and when he ate. He had reduced artificial sugars altogether. He ate fruit, which has natural sugar, but didn’t take any sugar in tea or coffee. He had also changed his dinner time. Earlier he had dinner after 9 pm, but now he has it before 7. I followed his advice and started losing weight.

IELTS Speaking Topics

It took a long time, but finally I managed to get my dream figure in about 8 months. Now, early dinner and one hour of gym has become part of my life. I feel fitter and more energetic than before.


Do you think Goals play an important role in a life?

Yes goals are very important for people. These are necessary for people because if they are not ambitious they would not work hard. Young people should be ambitious and set goals for themselves. Then they should work hard to achieve those goals. Lack of ambition may make them lazy.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Too much ambitiousness leads to disaster what you think about that?

That is also true. We must know where to draw the line between ambitiousness and over-ambitiousness. When we try to harm the others to attain our goals then it is bad. When we use unfair means to attain our goals even then it is bad. An over ambitious mother may neglect her family and children to reach the top in her career which may prove very harmful in the long run.

What should be good measures to encourage young generation to follow and set their goals?

Many measures can be there. First, the older ones can lead by example. Children are good apes. They follow what they see. Secondly, they can be given examples of those who have reached great heights by setting goals and achieving them.

IELTS Speaking Topics


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics

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