BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 9th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 9th December


IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Speaking Topics



What is your full name?

My name is Onkar Singh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Onkar.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Do you like flowers?

Yes, I like flowers. They are beautiful creations of nature.

What flowers do you like? (Why?)

I like all flowers as I feel that they are all very beautiful creations of nature.

Which/What is your favourite flower?

My favourite flower is Tulip.

Do you think flowers are important?

Yes, flowers are important in many cultures. Different flowers have different significance in all religions and cultures. Flowers are used to decorate, make great gifts, used in medicines and cosmetics, and there are many more such uses of flowers.

Are flowers important in your country?

Yes, flowers hold great importance in our culture. There are many flowers that are offered to the deities in temples, like jasmine, rose and marigold flowers. Lotus is our used in many celebrations, like weddings, as garlands and to decorate the venue. Many flowers have medicinal value too.

IELTS Speaking Topics

On what occasions are flowers important?

Flowers are important on many occasions, like wedding, when the bride and the groom exchange flower garlands. In most of the temples no prayer is complete without offering flowers to the deities.


Describe an ideal house

You should say:

• where it is

• what it looks like

• when you would like to live in

And explain why you would like to live in it

IELTS Speaking Topics


So I’m going to talk about the perfect house that I would like to live in. I would like it to be spacious, comfy and tranquil and it should therefore be located in a rural area with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Painted white and pink, the house would somehow look like a little palace for a royal family. Natural light is a must for this house, and it must contain an effective window system for good ventilation. The house would be equipped with modern appliances and air-conditioning for comfort and convenience. Trees and flowers would be planted around it for decoration and to make it look beautiful.

My ideal house, which would be full of natural light and surrounded by a lot of beautiful gardens, would be the perfect place for me when I am in need of relaxation, and an escape from my heavy workload in the city. I would be able to enjoy the fresh air, and living there would be the perfect way to relieve stress.

To be honest, having the chance to live in such a house would be a dream come true for me, feeling like a king in his own castle, and I hope that one day I can actually build a house like this to live in.

IELTS Speaking Topics


Would you like to live in a foreign country in the future?

I would surely want to live in a foreign country in the future, at a location which is really well situated. There are numerous wonderful locations in the world to live, and they are not very popular among people as well. It will not only make me travel to a new part of the world, but will also allow me to explore an altogether new culture, tradition, and lifestyle.

Do young people in your country prefer to live with their parents?

Yes, young people in my country do prefer to live with their parents. It has been a part of the Indian tradition, and parents are an essential part of the legacy. Young people generally leave home and move away from their parents when they have to study or to work professionally.

IELTS Speaking Topics


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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