BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 23rd February

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 23rd February


IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Speaking Topics



What is your full name?

My name is Kagty Ryti.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Kagty.

IELTS Speaking Topics

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Let’s talk about music, what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to?

Music is a medication to soul. My day starts with music and ends with it. It soothes, calms, comforts and uplifts the soul. It’s a university healer. I listen to soft rock, Sufi music, old songs and old country classics.

Has the kind of music you like changed over the years?

Yes, the kind of music I used to listen to has changed but all sorts of music genres (= category, class) are available nowadays on the internet. These days music is too loud, very techno types. I personally feel music should calm you, give you joy and bring peace to your soul.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?

I prefer the recorded music as there’s no disturbance and you can enjoy it at your convenience. In the short, every bit of music detailing is taken care which results into a worthwhile listening experience. In live music, more than music, you enjoy beholding (= seeing) the singer because of some reasons, either you like him or follow him for good reasons in life.

Do you think listening to music helps you study?

We’ve grown listening to lullabies (= cradle song) and nursery rhymes. When a child cries, a piece of good music is a natural pacifier and he may immediately stop crying so music is a healer. Music can enliven and enrich the lives of children and the people who care for them. Music does help to concentrate studies. Whenever I get bored from the extensive reading, I listen to music just to unwind myself before I get back to my studies.

IELTS Speaking Topics


Describe an old person you know and respect

– Who he or she is

– How you know this person

– What he or she is like

And explain why you respect him other


IELTS Speaking Topics

I don’t think that too many persons, especially the young generation, these days are really that familiar with the idea of admiring old persons. But, there are many things to admire about old persons because of the unique characteristics they carry with them. Today, I would like to talk about one such old person who I admire so much.

She is none other than my grandmother.  Since my childhood, she has always been a caring person and loved me very much. Till now she is a good friend of mine with whom I share so many of my personalinformation. She is a benevolent and good person who possesses a good heart. She tries to help others with her highest efforts. I know her from my childhood as she has been living with us for a long and we have lots of happy memories together.

IELTS Speaking Topics

She is a successful mother of 4, including my father. She has devoted her entire life for the betterment of her kids and made them educated and helped them greatly to be established. Moreover, She posses a nice as well as charming personality that always pleases people around her. She is a kind and wise woman.

I not only love but also admire her for many different reasons. The most important reason is that of her unconditional love and affection for me. Besides, she is a good mentor who

 shows me positive ways and guide me in my distressing time. Talking to her is a soothing experience and the stories she tells are always attractive along with full of morality. I have learnt many positive attitudes including good thinking from her. For all those reasons and strong bonding between us, I admire her very much.

IELTS Speaking Topics


What qualities does a person need to have to take care of old people?

I would say that A person needs to be patient when look after of the old people, because the elderly are like children in many ways. It is very important to realise that the elderly may sometimes be hard of hearing and so the person should not get impatient or lose temper while taking care of the elderly. However, A person also needs to be a good listener while taking care of the elderly people as their main problem is social isolation and they need someone to conversate. One should be very polite and respectful towards the senior citizens.

Do you think old people should be taken care of at home?

Definitely, but if there is a problem at home and both the younger people are working then professional caretakers should be hired to look after the elderly at home or the elderly should be left in a good nursing home where they can be taken care of well. Moreover, they should be involved in some useful activities to pass their recreational time so that they don’t feel isolated.

IELTS Speaking Topics

How can people in the neighborhood help the elderly during an epidemic?

In my point of view, People in the neighborhood can help the elderly in many ways during an epidemic. For example, if an elderly couple is living alone then the people in the neighborhood can help by buying vegetables and groceries for them so that they don’t have to go out during an epidemic. They can cook for them and take care of them and help them get timely medical aid whenever needed. In addition, they can involve them in several games to spend quality time as it could be tedious to stay at home all day long.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics

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