BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 8th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics, 8th January


IELTS Speaking Topics
IELTS Speaking Topics



IELTS Speaking Topics

What is your full name?

My name is Liu Yap.

Can I see your ID?

Of course, here is my ID card.

Where are you from?

I am originally from Ratnagiri, but now I live in Mumbai.

Do you work or study?

I am working at the moment.

IELTS Speaking Topics

What do you do for a job?

I am working as an accountant at a school here.

Do you like your job? Why?

Yes, I do because it is very interesting, and I learn a lot of new things from my seniors in the staff and sometimes from the teachers, too. Moreover, I happen to talk to children there every day, which is very joyful as I love children.

Where do you like to go to buy flowers?

There are a multitude of places for buying flowers. They could be gas stations, roadside stalls, grocery stores as well as the usual florists. Depending upon the occasion or event, I choose the vendor, and to some extent I’ll also consider for who (m) I’m buying them. If there is a memorable or great occasion, I would usually drive down to the florist because he may have a range of novelties with a beautifully customized bouquet.

For such events, I may also examine important elements of the bouquet such as freshness of flowers, leaves, flower heads and their arrangements. I probably pick some flowers up at grocery store or gas station if the occasion isn’t so special. I think all places are good depending upon what you need.

IELTS Speaking Topics

On what occasions would you give someone flowers?

In the context of India, flowers are generally presented on the special occasions. I give a bouquet of flowers to my parents on their marriage anniversary every year. I would also buy flowers for my girlfriend on our anniversary or on her birthday. She really adores them especially the tulip flowers. Whenever somebody graduates in my family and if I were to attend their graduation ceremony, that special event is marked with the bouquet of flowers with a surprise gift. Then more importantly I don’t miss giving flowers at anybody’s funerals because it is a tradition.

Are flowers important in your culture?

They were not so significant in the past but I feel that it has become a kind of a custom these days in my country. Personally, I had better gift something meaningful to the people. That makes sense because flowers will wither soon. One thing I know that women love flowers. I’ve no idea why they love them so much. I guess the tradition of giving flowers is more remembered in a romantic event. I don’t see any association of particular flower with any special event or purpose. Broadly speaking, giving flowers is a custom.

IELTS Speaking Topics


Describe a long journey/ short trip you would like to make again.

Please say,

– Where you went

– Who you went with

– What do you did during the trip

And explain why you would like to make the trip again

IELTS Speaking Topics


The short trip to Goa is the most memorable to me. I went there with my friends a couple of months back. The surroundings in Goa always soothe (relax) my mind the moment I land there. Goa is a place which gives a sense of relaxation and positive vibrancy- the vibrancy of two cultures, eastern and western together. It is a tiny emerald land on the west coast of my country.

Goa is known for its waters, orchards and magnanimous groans. Certain beaches in Goa such as anjuna, vagator and arambol are very famous. It’s pure cosmopolitan and happening place to visit and I cannot resist from frequenting the pristine beaches of Goa from time to time. I always feel Goa is calling me because of all these offerings.

IELTS Speaking Topics

I went with my two friends, anant and kayur. A lot of fun usual! The very first job apparently we did was to pick up our supply of booze (alcoholic drink) en route to vagator beach from the airport. We bought two bottles of scotch and some wine and beer tins. It looks more than 2 hours to reach the hotel. We checked in the hotel; the hotel was tremendous with a tiny portion of private beach.

We refreshed and typically got dressed in the holiday attire and moved to the market to rent a car for commuting. We wanted to rent an open gypsy and luckily we got a good deal and a well maintained gypsy for our three day tour.

IELTS Speaking Topics

We reached there by late noon and by the time we completed our rental deal of the car, it was almost 5 in the evening. The travel and frolic fatigue exhausted us a little bit and then we thought of having some chilled beer with some groan delicacies.

All in all, we had unlimited fun, relaxation, played beach games with thrilling and reminisce about our past. As said earlier, the true essence of happiness comes when we meet our friends and have fun. The memories that we have during this trip are always a treasure and these are the moments for which we live and die, I guess. Everyone on this trip did his bit to make it more memorable and those tin moments of teasing, babbling, bothering each other for no reason, roaming around the beaches, going to discotheque and what not. Additionally, sitting on a beach water calms the nerves of anxiety and pressure of workload that we’ve the moment we return to our routine life.

IELTS Speaking Topics


What do you do before you start your journey?

Candidly speaking, I’ve no checklist to follow before I embark upon a journey. Certainly I would gather and pack up all my required stuff. Couple of things I don’t miss out to do is I carry disprin pills wherever I travel. At times, whenever there is a change of weather, I tend to have a headache and disprin is the only tablet that gives me the instant relief. Another thing is I’ve too many credit cards, leaving others behind at home for a safety reason. I’m not a religious guy who would pray to God before his journey but, nonetheless, I talk to myself and wish to return in one piece- no pun indeed (no double meaning).

IELTS Speaking Topics

Do you prefer travelling on your own or with your friends?

Undoubtedly, the trip with friends makes sense. I’m an extrovert guy like to go with friends for any trip. I enjoy my trip and experience the real essence of mischievous amusement and pleasure with friends only. Being lonely isn’t a bad idea but it depends upon one’s natural inclination. Some enjoy being all alone whereas loneliness takes me for a ride. Without friends, I am a dog without a bone.

How do you usually plan your trips?

That’s a very complicated question since planning most of the time doesn’t work for me. Whenever I planned any trip, something or the other spoiled the party. Therefore, I’m a firm believer that the trip decided all of a sudden works for me. Being a working professional, I need to see my holiday allowance and use them in bursts (spell, period).

IELTS Speaking Topics


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics

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