BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October


IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer
IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer



What is your full name?

My name is Sai Joshi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Sai.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What do you do?

I’ve recently completed my graduate degree in business administration, and at the moment, I work for Infosys as a business consultant.

Can you describe your work?

I interact with clients constantly to find the right solution to the problems that they’ve identified in the request for proposal. As a part for the request for the proposal (RFP) process, I travel to the client location/office to understand their business environment, do a detailed study of their business operations; post this I’ve detailed sessions/workshops with the client to finalize our approach on implementing their business processes our offshore/onshore location.

Do you enjoy your work?

Oh, it’s a great job; it’s full of challenges whereby I tend to learn too many things. What I studied theoretically during my studies is the real job environment and workplace etiquettes reinforce my learning. Words fall short to appreciate the professionalism of our company, Infosys.

What parts of your work do you like the most?

When we meet clients and try to understand their problems, we tend to learn a lot from the client interaction. There’s no doubt that we find the best suited solutions for them but in a real sense, more than a client, I develop myself with the business acumen professionally. It feels like I’m yet a student who learns everyday a new chapter. It’s full of excitement and motivation for me.

Do you like dreams?

Yes, I do because only in dreams you don’t apply your logic but it’s your dream that dictates you. Moreover, in dreams one could do all unimaginable things which may be quite far from reality.

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October


Describe an interesting person from another country

You should say:

• Who this person is;

• How you know this person;

• What this person does;

• Why this person is interesting.

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October


Today I’m going to tell you about an interesting person from another country that I really admire and respect. I am currently studying English at ZIM English center and there are a lot of foreign teachers who are very kind, well-mannered and friendly. Among them, I would pick Mr. Vincent as the loveliest one I have met.

Mr. Vincent comes from America, the most developed country in the world, and he has lived in Vietnam for 2 years. He has acquired a reputation as a profound and dedicated teacher at my English school, I usually find him leaving for work early and getting home late. He first applied to Sutra a year ago and since then he has endeared himself to everybody in the school.

What I find most appealing about him is that he’s so polite and he has really good manners. He uses the word “thank you” even on the slightest occasion. For instance, I’ve noticed that whenever we eat at a restaurant, he will thank the waiters whenever they bring a dish to the table.

And another example would be that every time he gets off a bus, he will always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the waiters and bus drivers really appreciate it. Whenever his students ask him to help them with difficult homework, he never complains or shows any hesitation. And due to this, he always maintains a good reputation thanks to his politeness.

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October


Do you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign culture?

Yes, I think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign cultures. I think we can learn a lot about the way they talk, their language, their likes and dislikes and many other things about their country and culture by having a conversation with them.

What are the disadvantages of working for an international company?

There are not many disadvantages. However, since such companies open up in megacities, people have to move away from home. Another disadvantage maybe the work hours. People may to work in shifts and according to another country’s working hours.

What kinds of problems do people face when they travel or live in a foreign country?

People may face many problems when travelling or living in another country. They may face language and communication problems. They may also face problems with accommodation, food and weather. People may also feel homesick. Sometimes people get a culture shock.

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answer, 8th October

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