BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers, 3rd November

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers, 3rd November


IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers
IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers



What is your full name?

My name is Ruvhika Choudar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ruvhika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Who is your favorite celebrity in India?

My favorite celebrity in India is Amir Khan. He’s an actor par excellence. Recently I saw his movie Dangal, which I liked very much.

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

Do you like any foreign celebrities?

Yes, I like some cricketers of Australia and South Africa. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future? No, I would not want to be a celebrity in the future. I am happy with the quiet and peaceful life of a commoner.

Do you think we should respect famous people’s privacy?

Yes, we should respect famous people’s privacy. They have a right to their privacy. It can affect their performance if anyone invades their private life.

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

Do you think children have lost their interest in stories?

No, I don’t think that children have lost their interest in stories. However, the stories they read today are very different from the past.

Can story books be an ideal gift for children?

Definitely! Story books can be an ideal gift for children. They can help the child imagine the characters in the mind which is the first step to creativity. Another important benefit is that we can impart the knowledge of culture, tradition, moral values and religion in the mind of the child. This forms the basis of the child’s personality. Finally, story books enhance the curiosity of the child and enhance their mental growth.

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers


Describe a volunteering experience you have had

• What it was

• Where it was

• Why you volunteered

• How you felt about it


IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

Having experience as a volunteer always give positive attitude and I have participated in many activities during my college days Recently I took part in a social activity which I would like to talk about for this cue card topic. It was a social campaign to inform everyone in our community about the vaccination for children.

This was an important vaccination project that the government was funding and our objective was to inform everyone in our community so that children from 6 months till 5 years old get it for free from the designated centres on the due date. The awareness campaign was organised by our university and I participated in it to be a part of an important social cause. It was a 3-day long campaign and I felt really great to be able to deliver an important message to every single community member.

In fact, this was not the first time I participated in such an activity. My mother is a social worker and from her, I learned the importance of being a part of such great activities. Last month when I heard that one of our university teachers was looking for few students to contribute to this campaign, I did not hesitate to be enlisted.

Before we started knocking on the doors of each community member, a government organisation sent a three members’ team to train us. It was more like a professional training and workshop where we were taught about our duties during the campaign. We were handed over a list of our community members and their probable time of being home. We had to make another list with the name, address, child’s age and the type of vaccine they are supposed to be given.

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

We had a supervisor in our team from the beginning of this campaign and he guided us whenever we needed his advice. I would say that the organisation of this campaign was quite thorough and structured. Honestly, I felt so happy and contended about this whole activity. I knew how important it was to deliver the message to all our community members so that they do not miss their children’s vaccination.

I thought it was a great social work which would be quite helpful for the members of our community and did not hesitate to take part in it. I have always felt quite excited and happy about being part of any noble and helpful activity and the vaccination campaign was no exception.


IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

What qualities are required for being a volunteer?

As such no special qualities are needed to become a volunteer. The person should just be willing to provide his services without expecting anything back in return. It also depends upon the type of work. For example, a doctor can volunteer to provide his services free of cost, a teacher can volunteer to teach for children free of cost; people can volunteer to do work like cleaning the parks or helping the poor people.

What type of personality does a volunteer has?

According to me an amiable personality should be possessed by a volunteer. He is easily approachable by people. He always wears a smile on his face. He has good communication skills and always ready to lend a helping hand to others.

How can companies engaging in volunteering help our society?

Companies engaging in volunteering can help the society in numerous ways. They can help by providing funds to schools, hospitals and in many other ways. They can also do tree plantation which would go a long way in improving the environment. For example, Being Human people are a company that has a plenty of helpers to help society.

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

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