BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th October

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th October


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th October
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th October


Nowadays, more and more people are using consumer goods such as refrigerator and washing machines. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this? Given own opinion and examples.


Today’s era is significantly advanced then that of the past and availability of cheap consumer products attracts people to buy things more frequently than ever before. Even though the living standard of people has improved with this, I feel that the demerits of the trend cannot be overlooked.

On the hand, as a result of globalization people can access the national and the international products at an affordable price. For instance, new gadgets such as android cell phones are available in the market at an acceptable price that everyone can afford. In a sense, the widespread use of technological device has improved the way we communicate but this is also creating a throwaway society. The gap between rich and poor has narrowed in terms of their ability of purchase consumer products. Living standard has improved and basic needs are easily met there days and more people have the opportunities to select from more option. As a result, people are purchasing things that done not even need.

On the order hand, due to the cheaply available goods, a newer trend of material possession has emerged. Nowadays people consider this as their status symbol. For example, people who possess the branded gadgets or latest car earn a respectable position in the society and this is a degradation of morality and social value. In addition, this trend leads to a throwaway culture and the amount of trash products each day is increased dangerously. As a result, environmental pollution is irreversible. Moreover, cheap availability of products motivates people of consume the unwanted products. Last but not the least, most of the technologies used for developing cast effective products are harmful to human health and human life is jeopardized.

Taking everything into consideration availability of consumer products at an affordable price is a positive trend as if helps people to lead a batter life. However, the negative sides of the trend cannot be forgotten social, personal and environmental problems are ever increasing due to this and if might be a serious threat for the future generation.  


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