BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th October

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th October


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th October
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th October


Some people should improve their lifestyle and lead a life of high quality. Some people believe capital punishment must be banned while others think in order to protect individuals; criminals committing certain crimes must be executed.

What is your opinion? Use specific reasons to support your point of view.


The death penalty is the most severe form of punishment in the world today. Once the jury has proved a criminal guilty, they go to the second part of the trial – the punishment phase. Lethal injection is the most common form of death. Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are as many different opinions as there are people; nevertheless, I think that Capital Punishment should be made illegal.

Firstly, it is possible to execute someone who is innocent. If this does happen it cannot be undone, whereas if they were put in jail they could be released and given compensation. Secondly, I think that the death penalty is almost not a punishment because you are not around to be punished like if you were in jail with the poor living conditions and no freedom.

Another reason I think that Capital punishment should be made illegal is that life imprisonment without parole serves the same purposes as capital punishment at less cost. Right now, to execute a person in the U.S. costs approximately three times the amount it would to have them serve a life sentence in prison. The money used to pay for the death row (including court appeals) comes out of the taxpayers’ wallets. If capital punishment were made illegal, this money could go to other projects in need of the funds like building new prisons.

Nevertheless, I still believe that some criminals are just incorrigible and insane; they also cause a lot of problems in jail and do not seem to be lamenting the crime they have carried out against other individuals. Capital punishment in this situation may seem to be the only solution.

In conclusion, I hope we understand that it is all too easy to take a person’s life, however we must be very suspicious of the decision we make.


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