BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 14th July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 14th July

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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 14th July
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 14th July
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You are thinking of moving to a new country.

Outline some of the factors and questions you must consider before you make a final decision.


My family would very much like to live in New Zealand and we are seriously thinking of applying to migrate there. There are many issue, however, that need to be considered before a decision can be made. I’ll talk briefly about some of them.

One major question concern the effect on families. When one family decides to seek a new life in a new country, they nearly always have to leave members of their family behind. This can be particularly difficult for elderly parents who suddenly lose the support of a son or daughter.

Another issue, of course, is education. Children who move country are confronted by powerful challenges. They may have to master a new language, make new friends, feel like outsiders, at least for some of the time, and learn new patterns of behavior, this can cause stress unless there is sensitive support from parents, who themselves will be dealing with adjustments issue in any new society.

Money problems are also an important factor. Undertaking a new life in a different country with higher salaries and a higher standard of living might mean a need to send money home to help relatives who are struggling. Conversely, moving to a country with lower incomes may mean adopting a much simple lifestyle. I have friends who moved from university jobs in Switzerland to live in Laos doing aid work and they had great difficulty, at first, adjusting to small incomes and a very difficult lifestyle.

There are many other factors and questions but the key thing is to have a strong, positive dream of a new life, since it is dream that can provide the motivation to overcome all the inevitable problems of migration.

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