BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th April

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th April

IELTS Writing Task 2
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th April

Recently, the phenomenon of new inventions and their impacts on human’s life has sparked a heated debate. Although contested by many that the matter of the creative invention is highly rewarding, such issue is regarded both constructive and positive by a substantial number of individuals. I profoundly inclined to believe that the inventions of the computer could be one of the pioneering inventions and this essay will analyze its pros and cons by providing some academic evidence before concluding.

On the one hand, from a technological standpoint, new inventions can provide the society with some noticeable benefits, which rooted in comforting their everyday lives by the advent of electronic communication as well as improving the infrastructure of their cities. According to an academic research conducted by MIT University, one of the prestigious University, the invention of computer in the late of 20’s century could be an epic innovation of all time due to its vast influential roles to all part of mankind’s life. Moreover, it leads to many developments in various field including medicine, space science, mathematics, physics, medical science, the Internet advancements and many other aspects.

On the other hand, such as any other technology, inventing new facilities may have some detrimental effects. Some opponents of the computer advancements argued that it brings some drawbacks to human life such as less physical activity as well as the lack of social behavior. Not to mention that many deadly weapons improve because of the downside of new technologies. From my own experience during my college, some students try to cheating on their research assignments by imitating from other’s hard work from the Internet.

To recapitulate, I pen down saying that new innovative technology, such as computer, could be a two-edged sword and it is our responsibility to use them accurately.


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th April

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