BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st May

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st May

IELTS Writing Task 2
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st May

Newspapers and magazines are full of stories about famous people and the wonderful lifestyles that they enjoy. I think it’s something that we get used to. We expect to see them wearing very expensive clothes and, going to amazing parties. It seems natural that if you have a lot of money, you will spend it in these ways.

Some people who are rich and famous do manage to have a happy life as well. They get married and have children and, although they have to work hard, they still have time to give to their family. Victoria and David Beckham are just one example of a happy celebrity couple.

However, money doesn’t always bring happiness. In fact, sometimes the opposite is true. Stars often talk to the press about the pressures of being rich and famous. Some of them end up drinking too much or taking too many drugs. The actress Elizabeth Taylor, for example, has been in clinics many times for these problems. The divorce rate is also very high among celebrities. Often their marriages last only a short period of time and they re-mary very quickly but the same thing happens again.

Ultimately, I think it depends on the person. I don’t really believe that being unhappy is a consequence of fame but I do think that it may be very difficult to cope with having a lot of money and fame. Celebrities are ordinary people underneath and perhaps some of them are not strong enough to deal with their fame.


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st May

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