BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th November

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th November


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th November
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th November


Past has no value for those who are living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Give solid arguments and examples in support to your answer.


Present is inextricably linked to the past. Present is a tree whose roots run deep into the past. Indeed, Thomas Carlyle has rightly remarked. ‘The present is the sum total of the past. I firmly believe that who live in the present cannot forget and ignore the past.

Mankind, for example, has made a tremendous progress in medical science today because of the accumulated discoveries and the inventions of the past. Some of the path-breaking findings of the by –gone era were the discovery of blood circulating the body, the presence of germs in the atmosphere, the invention of the x-ray and so on. The result is that today medical science is able to give unprecedented relief to the suffering of humanity. Similarly if today man has been able to reach the moon and some planets, it is again because of the knowledge about space and aviation gathered in the past.

Today mankind has been able to reduce conflicts and wars again because of the lessons learnt in the past. The two World Wars delivered a rude shock to the nations of the globe. The Large-scale deaths and sufferings caused by the global wars impelled the nations to form a world body where they could discuss their mutual problems, and devise a peaceful way to solve them. So they formed the U.N.O. where representatives from different countries discuss their clashes of interest, and try to find a solution to them.

To conclude, past has a great value for those living in the present. Baruch Spinoza has rightly said,’ If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.’ The word ‘different’ in the quotation obviously means improved.


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