BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th June

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th June

IELTS Writing Task 2

In recent years great strides have been made in the application of technology to the prevention of crime and the capture of criminals. For example, CCTV systems and face-recognition software allow computer-based records to be kept of the faces of millions of people. DNA testing means that a single flake of skin left at the scene of a crime can be matched against records held of suspects. Soon it may be even possible to tell a criminal’s appearance from a DNA sample.

As always with any type of scientific progress, concerns have been raised about the use of this technology. Some people would like to see much stricter controls put on the use of such developments, or even to see them banned completely. I understand the reason for their concern, but feel that they are misguided for several reasons.

Firstly, these developments mean that genuine criminals can be apprehended more quickly and reliably. For example, instead of having to search manually through thousands of photograph, with all the possibility of human error that this involves, a computer-based search can be carried out in seconds. In addition, the increased reliability of such techniques as DNA testing reduces the likelihood of innocent people being convicted and punished for crimes they did not commit. A further point is that the existence of such techniques acts as a deterrent to potential criminals.

Appreciate these techniques do to some extent affect the personal privacy of every member of society. However, I feel that the positive uses to which they can be put, as outlined above, outweigh these dangers.


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th June

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