BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th August

IELTS Writing Task 2

Some people think children should ever have to loose and this means they will never win. Because you can’t have winners without losers. It is true that it is bad for children to here they are losers or stupid but it is just as wrong to send a message they are winners or smart and nobody likes somebody who is smart and makes a big deal about it anyway. Children need to be praised and rewarded for efforts, not results, because their efforts all they can control.

Other people think winning and losing teaches important lessons to children, and it is. But children need to learn that if they feel good about their effort, they can enjoy winning without always being perfect and they can lose without being zero. Parents are in charge of how children see winning and losing, and the parents behaviour is just as important as what happens in games. If parents make a big deal out of when they win or lose kids will too. “Monkey see monkey do is how it really works.

The best way for parents to teach self-worth is to have some. Children need support in their efforts so they are not caught up in being winners or losers. Parents’ thinking of winning and losing effect their kids much more than prizes that get handed out.

I think anybody needs to learn to value themselves and their efforts and that is the best way to raise kids to understand about winning and losing.


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th August

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