BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th November

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th November


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th November
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th November


In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.

Why is this case?

What can be done about this problem?

Nowadays, many countries has been tried to develop the Advances items to Solves the lack of food in the world by the way many people around the world still go hungry, in my option, I think “capitalism”.

Under “the world Order” by USA in 1970 (the cold war) divide the countries around the world in to 3 groups, l) the first world like USA, UK, Japan like that, 2) the second word was like Soviet Union and 3) the third word was a developed countries. I didn’t think the capitalism is bad, I think it made many problems such as the lack of food in the poor countries.

According to the Economics, the developed countries have a absolute rights to take an advent age from the recourse in the developed countries with the lowest wage, the hardest working and the dangerous places working Hence, the people who live in the developed countries has no opportunities to mobilization their status the lowest wage they get vice versa the high price of their item product for example I dollar US per a day for I worker in the developed countries, but 100 dollar US per the developed countries.

The solve of this problem, I think the government on each countries should guarantied their citizen to have a basic rights, Food, Clear water and Education, for example. The highest price of food that restrize the poor people to access the food, the government need to bare the barrier prices of food won’t be high.

In the long team of solving this problem, the government will give more Education fee as free for their civilian because I absolutely think Education comes with mobilization the social status when the people has a high Education comes with a hire in a high working then the government should bare the free of household is not high as well the people will be expenditure more. When the more expenditure the people have, the more money they have we have to solve this problem together, Not the duty of same countries, the problem will problem will be eradicated from the wild finally we have to have a hope to solve it, Not despair yet.             


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th November
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