BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd December

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd December


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd December
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd December


When people succeed, it is because of hard word. Luck has nothing to do with success.

Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

Use specific reasons and examples to explain your opinion.


Life is a journey in which we experience many ups and downs. When it is all ups we feel elated and on top of the world, but then some might say he just got lucky. I strongly feel both hard work and luck go hand in hand. It is difficult for one to move without the other. No matter how hard we work, if luck is not on our side, the desired results may not come, at least immediately. But even in that case we don’t suffer from guilt pangs that we did not work hard enough.

Someone has rightly said, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”. In fact, luck is nothing but opportunity. Opportunity knocks at every door, but it comes at a time of its own choosing. Those that are prepared will grab the opportunity; those that are not, will miss it and then blame their luck. They feel cheated when lady luck favours someone who was better prepared.

So, the important thing is: work hard and place yourself in the path of opportunity, or luck. It will surely smile at you one day. The ex-president of India, Mr. Abdul Kalam was a fisherman’s son, but grew up to be a famous scientist and later the president of the country. Here hard work led him to the path of luck, and its role well. The blessings of both – hard work and the lady luck – bestowed him with many laurels.

Summing up, I would say that, though it is difficult to discount luck altogether, hard work is the key, the only key to success. Luck matters but only as you have done your part, which is 99%, I feel that one should work hard. This 99% perspiration will surely get the 1% inspiration of lady luck.

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd December


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