BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th July


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th July
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 18th July


As the world becomes technologically advanced, computers are replacing more and more jobs.

Describe some job positions that may be lost because of computers, and discuss at least one problem that may result.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


People have welcomed computers as a means of making work easier. At the same tome however, computers have also eliminated many jobs by making the human worker obsolete. On the other hand, the job performance of computers is often less than adequate.

A number of jobs have been lost as a direct result of computer technology. Human ticket agents, for example, are virtually nonexistent these days. The number of bank tellers has also been greatly reduced due to automated bank machines. Customer service help lines are almost entirely automated. A few years ago, I worked as an assistant at a library. Today that position doesn’t exist because the library has installed computers that do most of the same work I did. The number of positions lost to computers continues to grow, along with unemployment.

While computers can easily carry out routine tasks, they often fall short when a customer has a unique request or problem. An automated ticket agent doesn’t have insight about an entertainment district and can’t offer friendly directions to a tourist. An automated teller machine can’t provide assistance and resources when a customer’s bank card has been stolen. And, more often than not, automated telephone operators can’t answer the one question we have, and we end up waiting on line to speak to a real person anyway.

In the future, I believe a new business trend will evolve. As computers eliminate jobs, new positions will have to be invented. More and more people will go into business for themselves and, I hope, put the personal touch back business. I believe that the human workforce will demonstrate that it is more valuable than computers.

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