BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th July


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th July
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th July


Several languages are dying. Do you think government should invest public money on saving languages or not?

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In bygone days, different people use different languages around the world. Now   we are living in 21st century which reflects modern era. Many changes have taken place. At present, only some languages are spoken while others are getting extinct. It is believed by some that government should preserve such languages with the investment while others oppose.

There are many reasons to support that government should safeguard such languages. Firstly, different languages mean variety of cultures. If a language dies, then gradually that culture also dies. So, to save a culture, government should protect the languages. Secondly, old people cannot learn a new language people know old languages and can speak only that. However, if an old language dies then old people would face difficulty. Thus, for the sake of old people, authorities should put investment on these languages.

Further, researchers still have to explore a lot of history. If an old language exists, only then they can carry out new researches and discoveries. Thus, these old languages should not become extinct so that we can know about more histories. Moreover, many people earn using such languages. People do street show, short movies; write novels and other articles in old languages like Urdu, Sanskrit etc. Hence, if we want to save their livelihood then officials should fund these languages.

To conclude, I would state that no doubt we are living in modern world and people are progressing but we should not forget our past. Therefore, government should preserve these languages as many people rely on them like old and professionals.

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