BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th January

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th January


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th January
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th January


Nowadays young people lack an understanding of how to manage their finances after they finish high school. Explain why they do not know how to manage money and how this can be changed.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Money management is a skill that determines the degree of success of fresh graduates in many cases. This is why educationalists and parents are so concerned about the modern youths’ precipitation with their skills of managing their finances. This essay examines why so many adolescences, after their high school, lack the skill as well as how to reverse the scenario.

When we talk about modern youths who are so fond of freedom and luxury, we can visualise the caring yet oblivious parents. They work really hard to ensure a safe life for their children but hide the reality away. These parents should let their children know how they earn money and why it is important to effectively manage one’s finance from the early stages of life. Due to this inclination, young people remain unaware of a very fundamental skill – money management.

It is scientifically proved that someone’s basic character is shaped at an early stage of life and the way someone is educated at home greatly influence the future. So to have a better young generation who knows how to effectively manage money, parents should teach the fundamentals of finance management at home and reveal how hard they work to make money.

Moreover, schools lack a proper syllabus on money management for all majors and teachers do not take initiatives to educate their students. The result – a fumbling young generation with no prior knowledge of how to take care of their money. To solve this problem, educationalists should be trained first and then requested to instill this skill among their students. Managing finance should be a part of our national curriculum for all majors.

To conclude, parents’ unwillingness to teach practical aspects of earning and money management and the lack of financial school education put so many young in jeopardy when the time comes for them to manage their money. Family and formal education are both required to solve this problem.

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th January


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