BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th February

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th February


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th February
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th February


Today food travels from thousands of miles from the farm to the consumer. Some people say that it would be better for the economy & environment if people ate food produced from local farmers. Would the advantages of this idea outweigh the disadvantages?


Nowadays, food travels long distances before reaching consumers, and it is therefore believed that consuming locally grown food would bring about a number of economic and environmental benefits. Despite some advantages, I believe that the disadvantages of this idea would be more significant.

Consuming locally grown food is advantageous in several ways. First, when produce is purchased and consumed locally, the local economy greatly benefits. More income will be generated for those involved in the food’s production, including farmers and growers, which will, in turn, enhance their standards of living. Eating locally grown food can also play a role in helping to protect the environment. The transportation of food around the world greatly contributes to global warming due to the large amount of carbon emissions produced during the process. Eating locally grown produce will help to reduce the distance that food travels, helping to reduce the negative effects of carbon emissions which are released from vehicles during transport.

In spite of the aforementioned benefits, I personally feel that the drawbacks need to be considered more carefully. For example, if non-locally grown foods are purchased less often on the market, local people will therefore have fewer opportunities to experience specialties and healthy products from other regions. Furthermore, if local foods become the more dominant products, price manipulation by local merchants can occur. Several food sellers will make use of this opportunity to increase prices to control the market in the long term. It will be difficult for people, especially lower income households, to buy essential foods for themselves, causing adverse impacts on their health.

In conclusion, I hold the belief that local food consumption, despite having economic and environmental merits, does more harm than good to people’s culinary experiences and local markets.

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th February


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