BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th March

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th March


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th March
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 30th March


With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing?


In today’s world, the technology has improved significantly. Since the innovative advices such mobile phones or computers has invented, it has many impacts to human lives in many ways. These gadgets can extend to human beings, while other agree that it has some drawbacks and can lead to disappear of traditional literacy skills such as writing letter. From my perspective, I do agree with this statement for several reasons.

Firstly, sending text via mobile phones or computers is much easier and very convenient than writing letters. Typing short messages on a handy phone, sending them and delivering to recipients are spending only a few minutes. Using technological devices transfer messages can do whenever writers feel like which are very convenient unlike sending text by tradition ways. With writing a letter, writers have to actually write down on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil, enclose with an envelope and attach with a stamp which are required some time to finish all the process.

Secondly, there are many alternative options from using e-mails and text mobile phone which are very interesting. These days, writers can be able to send a large file or attach with some photos or music along with messages which make a better way for communication. Many happy birthday cards or some special event invitations can be easily taken by sending e-cards online. However, with the tradition way of communication, people will not be able to send messages in other selective options.

Lastly, the use of mobile phones and computers can save a lot of time than sending letters. If people send urgent messages via letters, It will take at least a week for recipient receiving messages. However, using mobile phones for texting consumes only a few seconds and all urgent information can delivery to a reader quickly. Without the innovative communicating methods, it would be very difficult to send message in traditional ways.

In conclusion, even though writing letters has sentimental value to recipients, with the high- tech of devices it has many merits to all communications in the modern world. Preserving traditional writing letters is very inevitable these days and it is replaced by all technological methods such as e-mail, eventually.


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