BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th April

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th April


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th April
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th April


Some say that due to heavy traffic governments need to build more roads in metropolitan cities. While others argue that this is not the right solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Today, many people assert that the government must take initiatives to build more roads to address this issue, but others assert that constructing roads is not ideal. However, I often agree with the latter statement that building new roads is not the sole and suitable solution.

First of all, the government’s initiative to produce new streets for decreasing the heavy traffic from metropolitan towns is not the way, but it is the wastage of government capital that ought to be utilised for society’s fundamental intention. To be exact, building new streets rather than restricting private vehicles can make no impact on traffic growth. By way of instance, a country like India must prioritise the fundamental needs of non-invasive society like in health care, employment, and schooling more rather than creating a road system that is important for the evolution of a nation.

Moreover, among the additional reasons why it is not an ideal remedy to construct new streets is it is wastage of land source. To be clear, the building of new streets will remove acres of property from agriculture that influence the farmers’ market, which contribute to affect the earnings of that specific location. On the other hand, the debate of constructing new streets to reduce significant traffic from authorities is mainly due to lots of gas and time spent in the visitors’ cubes but when the same traffic could be handled by endorsing new guidelines to restrict vehicles and promote and enhance public transportation facility that may reduce heavy traffic to a more significant scope.

In conclusion, after assessing the debate of constructing streets by public sector along with the contrary view it is not the only correct solution, it is evident that if authorities take initiatives to restrain the number of personal vehicles by raising taxes and parking fees, and by growing public transport system, it cannot only restrain heavy traffic, but its will probably be a fantastic aid for the next generation by conserving fuel, life and time from injuries.


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