BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th May

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th May


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th May
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th May


An increasing number of schools provide tablets and laptop computers for students to use in school, replacing books and other printed materials like exams and assignments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?


Some schools have begun supplying students with computers or tablets that they can use instead of texts and other printed resources. This shift towards technology offers several environmental and educational benefits, while the drawbacks relate to the sharp increase in “screen time” for students and the possibility that the devices will cause distractions in school.

One major benefit of providing computers and tablets to students is the opportunity to save paper resources. Even though paper is easily recycled, it still requires a lot of energy to produce. Adopting these technologies will make schools much more environmentally friendly. Computers and tablets also possess unique educational value. On a very basic level, students must learn how to use computers to thrive in the modern world. Just like learning math or reading, computer proficiency has become an essential and basic life skill.

Replacing paper-based learning resources with technology does have some disadvantages. One area of growing concern is the amount of time young people spend in front of screens. With cell phones, computers, and television, many children already spend hours outside of school staring at devices. Some medical professionals suggest that all of this screen time may have negative effects on a child’s physical and psychological health. Therefore, adding screen time in school may exacerbate an already serious problem. A second drawback is that tablets and computers can cause distractions. There is a lot of unsuitable material for school on the web. Putting devices in students hands opens the possibility that students will use these devices in ways that are not educationally sound.

In conclusion, replacing traditional paper learning materials with devices like computers and tablets has some very clear environmental and educational advantages. However, schools must take care to monitor student screen time and ensure that students are using their devices for educational purposes.


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