BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 21st May

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 21st May


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 21st May
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 21st May


Many people like to wear fashionable clothes. Why do you think this is the case? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?


Enthusiasm for stylish outfits is rapidly growing among people, especially youngsters. Every day new fashion-trends in the world fascinate them to adopt in their dressing sense. However, fashionable clothes only impart short-lived happiness, otherwise, it has more drawbacks. 

Many people like to be dressed in a fashionable manner because today, everyone wants to look trendier and more unique in style. They have this perception in mind that an overall personality of a person reflects in his clothes. And the younger generation has developed the habit of the following vogue by watching movie stars or other celebrities. This is very obvious that they observe their role models very closely and try to be like them. Moreover, a variety of choices and super attractive advertisements by the fashion industry contribute to their temptation.

Being fashionable is a good thing only if a person is not an impulsive buyer since fashion is the spice of our life. However, it is commonly seen that youngsters follow the herd just to show off and end up buying costly outfits which ultimately adds to the burden on their budget. Since fashion is unstoppable it has no limits, today it is something else and tomorrow it will be different. This makes the people discard old apparels very soon and buy new ones which further has detrimental effects on the surroundings. Of course, the more clothes we buy, the more is the stress on resources used in making textiles.

Most importantly, in the rat race of being a fashionista, teenagers ignore the investments and savings for the future by spending exorbitantly on new clothes. Last but not the least, the younger generation is so obsessed with their stylish looks, as a result, they do not provide attention to their studies and career. This way, being trendier in terms of dressing styles is not only bad for the person concerned but also, for our Mother Nature.

In conclusion, it is discerned that undoubtedly, wearing fashionable clothes is a matter of personal choice. However, over-inclination towards the same has a negative impact on society, as well as, our planet. Most importantly, it affects the performance of teenagers in academics.


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