BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th May

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th May


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th May
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th May


Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improving health and dealing with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?


It is necessary to conduct studies on new medicines and remedies in order to improve people’s health as well as cure their illnesses. In my opinion, such research should be financed by the government or individuals, not private businesses.

If medical research is sponsored by private companies, patients would have to suffer from the increased price of medicines and treatments. In fact, such research requires the funders to cover various expenses, such as buying equipment or hiring staff. However, most companies often see money as one of their primary objectives, so they would have to make sure their revenues are high enough to prevent losses and stay profitable. Some profit-oriented companies may even make researchers set a higher price for their research outcomes to maximize their earnings. Consequently, medicine products as well as medical treatments would be more expensive for patients to afford, and those who are impoverished would be more likely to succumb to their disease.

It is the governing bodies and individuals who should financially support studies related to the improvement of public health and the invention of cures for diseases. First, maintaining people’s quality of life is one of the main responsibilities of the government in a country. In order to fulfill this duty, the government needs to ensure that more and more citizens will be healed and their well-being can be enhanced by spending the national budget researching new medicines and medical treatments. Second, individuals should be another fund provider because medical research is carried out for the sake of their own health. As new types of medicines and new treatment practices are successfully devised, it is each individual in society that uses these medicines and treatments when they get sick.

In conclusion, I believe that the government and every person in society rather than private companies should fund research into the discovery of new medicines and healing methods.


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