BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 2nd June

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 2nd June


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 2nd June
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 2nd June


Many young people now know more about international pop and movie stars than famous people in the history of their countries.

What are the causes? Give solutions to increase the number of people to know about famous people in history.


These days, young people tend to have more interests in international celebrities than historical figures in their country. This essay will present possible causes of this trend as well as the appropriate solutions to improve the situation.

There are several reasons why the young nowadays know more about famous movie and music stars instead of having knowledge of the history in their country. To begin with, social media contributes to the increasing interest of young people in celebrities. It is common to notice that famous people’s lives are grabbing the headlines of the majority of newspapers, especially the online ones. Since teenagers now spend most of their spare time surfing the Internet, they are likely to be exposed to ubiquitous posts or articles about actors or singers more frequently, thus becoming more fascinated about such topics. In addition, another cause of this trend is the tedious teaching method of history at high school. It seems that history itself is not attractive, leading to the fact that students will suffer from utter boredom if their teachers fail to make history lessons more interesting.

Various solutions can be adopted to make young people more interested in history and historical people. First of all, film makers should be encouraged to produce movies based on key historical events. Young people will be eager to watch such movies, especially when their idols are chosen for the starring role. As a result, they will gain more knowledge about a particular historical period by watching those films. Second, the teaching method in history classroom should be tailored in order to arouse students’ interests. Instead of teaching merely a long list of names and dates in textbooks, teachers can add motion images and vivid sound effects to create more appealing lessons.

In conclusion, although young people these days do not pay as much attention to history as they do to celebrities, this problem can be dealt with by several suggested solutions.


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